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Europe Splits

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  • Europe Splits

    Europe Splits

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 12:08:52 - 16/10/2012

    The deal on the referendum in Scotland has been agreed between the
    governments of England and Scotland. Prime Minister Cameron, actually,
    proved more `tolerant' than his Spanish counterpart who banned a
    similar referendum in Catalonia. But, perhaps, Cameron is sure that
    the greater part of the Scottish people will not vote for
    independence, while Rajoy knows that the people of Catalonia will vote
    for independence for sure.

    The elections in Belgium on Sunday also revealed separatist moods. The
    representative of Flanders won the elections, which also could easily
    separate from French-speaking Wallonia and gain independence.

    These processes prove that globalization and even the comfortable
    European Union cannot stop natural secularization which takes place
    according to certain rules. Gumilev called the force pushing masses of
    people to form ethnic groups, ensure self-defense and expansion
    passionarity, and could not find its source, pointing to the sky.

    So what pushes people belonging to the same ethnicity to stay
    together, to marry each other, to save their language and culture?
    What makes Armenians living in Turkey pretend to be Muslim, to wear
    Kurdish clothing outside and pray the Armenian God at home?

    Separatism in Europe should make first of all the European officials
    think, who are trying hard to `reconcile' Armenians and Turks of
    Azerbaijan and Turkey. Closed borders are not acceptable in the 21st
    century but sometimes only closed borders maintain the passionarity of
    aggressive ethnic groups, especially if other people do not realize
    the danger coming from this energy.

    From: Baghdasarian