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Sydney: Parliamentarian Addresses Nsw Jewish Board Of Deputies Plenu

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  • Sydney: Parliamentarian Addresses Nsw Jewish Board Of Deputies Plenu


    J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service
    Oct 17 2012

    Charismatic Member of the Legislative Council Walt Secord has addressed
    the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies monthly plenum.

    Secord is also the Deputy Chair of the NSW Parliamentary Friends
    of Israel.

    Secord said

    Walt Secord

    "Thank you for providing me with the honour of addressing the NSW
    Jewish Board of Deputies plenum - the Parliament of the NSW Jewish

    Admittedly, this is a familiar forum to me. Almost 25 years ago,
    I covered the deliberations of the Board of Deputies as a journalist
    for the Australian Jewish News.

    Over my four years - 1988 to 1991, I witnessed the different
    administrations of three very different, but effective presidents -
    Professor Graham De Vahl Davis, Mr Gerry Levy and Mr Michael Marx.

    But over the years, I also got to see the great work of Isi and Mark
    Leibler, Yair Miller, Peter Wertheim, Stephen Rothman, David Knoll,
    Ron Weiser, Dr Ian Kern, Robin Margo, Albert Silver, Josie Lacey, Ian
    Lacey, Robert Goot and the inexhaustible and prolific, Jeremy Jones.

    I was exposed to the wisdom and compassion of the Sydney Orthodox
    and Reform rabbinate - Rabbis Apple, Feldman, Fox, Freedman, Kamins,
    Kastel, Rogut and Lampert included. You will notice that I named the
    rabbis in alphabetical order.

    Over the years, I was fortunate to cover: · Yom Hashoah ceremonies;
    · The birth of the Sydney Jewish Museum; · Chanukah in Martin
    Place, Bondi and Double Bay; · Yom Ha'atzmaut; · the activities
    of Habonim, Netzer, B'nei Akiva and Betar; · the Yeshiva Gedola;
    Wizo, the NCJW, the JCA and the UIA; · The integration of Russian
    and South African migrants; · every visiting Israeli professor,
    Knesset members and IDF figures; as well as the inter-working of the
    various temples and shule boards.

    For that experience, I will be forever truly, thankful.

    So I would also like to personally thank Vic Alhadeff, who is now
    Board ofDeputies CEO, who was my deputy editor at the Jewish News -
    who gave me my first break in Australia. And for the record, I still
    subscribe to the Jewish News.

    Vic Alhadeff and his editor, Susan Bures, took a chance on a non-Jewish
    Canadian-born journalist - who happened to have an unexpected knowledge
    of Judaism.

    Born in Canada to a Mohawk-Ojibway Native American father and an
    Anglo-Canadian mother, I was the product of an inter-racial marriage
    and was raised as a nominal Christian. I have to admit that it was
    an unlikely profile for an Australian Jewish News reporter - but,
    it is not - if one looks to my life story.

    Many of you are aware of my personal story, but, for the benefit of
    those who do not; it is suffice to say that my entire life has been
    connected to Judaism. It has shaped my views on racism, intolerance,
    education and social justice.

    As I told Parliament in my inaugural speech in June 2011, my links
    to the Jewish community predate my coming to Sydney and stretch back
    to an Indian reserve in Canada.

    I also owe a special debt of gratitude to a wonderful Jewish man,
    a mentor from my childhood. He is the late-Godel Silber; a Holocaust
    survivor who became friends with my father when they worked together
    in scrap metal recycling. Mr Silber always saw the best in people
    and supported anyone who asked to help.

    He lived by the Hebrew phrase Tikkun Olam - repairing the world. Mr
    Silber believed that Jewish people were not only responsible for
    creating a model society for themselves - but, they were also
    responsible for the welfare of society at large.

    Mr Silber was extremely observant and worshipped at an Orthodox shule
    in southern Canada. He taught me about kashrut, the shabbat, the State
    of Israel, the Shoah and the need to fight racism and intolerance.

    Mr Silber was born near Warsaw in June 1921 and was transported to
    Auschwitz in late 1942. Somehow, he survived. After liberation,
    he married another Holocaust survivor, Cilka and they made their
    way to Canada. Mr Silber saw something in me and insisted that I go
    to university.

    Like Mr Silber, I believe that education is the great leveller in
    an unfair society. Education was my opportunity. He reinforced one
    message to me over and over again: Get an education.

    He used to say in a sweet Yiddish accent, "Walt, be a good boy and
    study; study; study."

    I am proud to have known him; and by doing, so changed my life.

    Because, as unlikely as it seemed on an Indian reserve in Canada in the
    1970s ...I stand here today as a Labor Member of the NSW Parliament -
    and as the Deputy chair of the NSW Parliamentary Friends of Israel.

    So, being here, tonight is about catching up with old friends. I have
    maintained numerous friendships from those days at the Australian
    Jewish News. I still remember meeting Mrs Josie Lacey for the first
    time. We became friends and we have shared countless Shabbat meals.

    She has become my de facto Aussie mum. But being here tonight is also
    about continuing long-standing work.

    In 1988, Mrs Lacey came into the Jewish News' office and explained why
    NSW need anti-racial vilification laws and why inter-faith dialogue,
    while challenging, is absolutely necessary.

    She also explained why the Australian Jewish News must get on board -
    and to his credit, Vic Alhadeff did.

    Now more than 24 years later, I am proud to have given notice of new
    legislation in the NSW Parliament - to create a specific offence
    of racist graffiti - which I trust will be debated shortly in the
    Legislative Council.

    I believe that a person caught putting a Nazi symbol on a synagogue
    should carry the stain on their criminal record well beyond just
    "graffiti". They have committed racist graffiti - a crime of incitement
    and hatred - and should be judged by society, accordingly.

    In the last 17 months as an MP, I have spoken on many other issues
    of interest to the Jewish community and indeed, all those interested
    in freedom of belief and expression.

    I have spoken in Parliament on: · The wonderful Rona Tranby Trust
    - linking the Jewish and Aboriginal communities; · Yom Hashoah
    commemorations; Support of AIJAC's study tours; · Irving Wallach's
    wonderful tribute to the woman who hide his mother in Poland during
    the Shoah; The Auburn Gallipoli mosque open day; and · Against
    the racist Boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against
    Israel; the desecration of the Commonwealth war graves in Libya;
    and against the recent extreme Islamic protests in Hyde Park.

    I have spoken at length about genocide. I have spoken of: · The
    Shoah; · the Armenian Genocide; · the Srebrenica massacre; · the
    massacre of the Dharawal people near Campbelltown - 196 years ago;
    · Saddam Hussein's genocide against the Kurds; and · the recent
    persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt.

    I have been pleased to have brought these matters to the NSW
    Parliament. Not only for their relevance to specific communities in
    NSW like the Jewish, Armenian, Kurdish and Aboriginal communities,
    but for the NSW community as a whole.

    Of course, it would be uncharacteristic of me not to make at least
    one political point tonight ... so here it is: I have most recently
    spoken out against the $1.7 billion in education cuts and how they
    have impacted on independent, Catholic and Jewish dayschools.

    I understand the Australian Council of Jewish Schools has said the
    costs of these cuts could be up to $3 million. And I hope the Premier
    sees the sense to reverse these cuts to public, Catholic and Jewish
    education. Education in NSW is an investment; not a cost.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the
    leadership of Yair Miller, Vic Alhadeff and Richard Balkin as well as
    the Israeli Ambassador for helping with the reformation of the NSW
    Parliamentary Friends of Israel. This is the largest parliamentary
    friendship group in the NSW Parliament.

    In a Parliament, where parties divide on so many issues... I can say:
    we are united as supporters of Israel and the Jewish people.

    Members will be aware that my colleague, Gabrielle Upton and I have
    both agreed to participate in a NSW Jewish Board of Deputies-led
    parliamentary mission in January 2013.

    It is a visit that I look forward to with great excitement ... as I was
    in Israel just nine months ago. In January, I spent 10 days in Israel,
    travelling from top to bottom. While my travel was self-funded, I
    would like to thank AIJAC for providing me with a driver for two days.

    I visited: · Tel Aviv; the suburbs of Jerusalem; Yad Vashem;
    the Gadot Observation Point near Syria; the Jordan River; Tiberias;
    Nazareth; the Dead Sea; Masada; the Yitzhak Rabin Crossing Point at
    Eilat; Gush Etzion; and Sderot.

    I also visited Jericho and Ramallah in the Palestinian territories
    as well as Jordan.

    Despite the current stalled peace process, I am still optimistic
    that a two-State solution and reconciliation is possible for both
    the Israelis and the Palestinians.

    Many times, at the Australian Jewish News, I reported about the March
    of the Living tours.

    I promised that one day I would undertake one myself. So, in
    December-January, I organised and paid for my own genocide study tour.

    But before going to Israel, in a planned sequence of trips and visits,
    I travelled to Armenia and its national genocide museum in Yerevan.

    I believe that all genocides require constant remembrance. After
    all, the perpetrators of such atrocities rely on their deeds being
    overlooked in time.

    For deputies, unaware, it was Adolf Hitler himself who, asserted
    that Final Solution would be forgotten by history. He famously said
    in August 1939: "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation
    of the Armenians?" Hitler was referring to the 20th century's first
    orchestrated genocide - the Armenian Genocide. Between 1915 and 1923,
    1.5 million out of a total 2.5 million Armenians were systematically
    murdered or killed on death marches by Ottoman Turks.

    After Armenia, I travelled to Warsaw, Krakow and then to
    Auschwitz-Birkeneau and then immediately to Israel to see the survival
    of the Jewish people.

    After Israel, I travelled to Iraq to see where Saddam Hussein tried
    to exterminate the Kurds. I visited Halabja, 10 kilometres from
    the Iranian border, where in March 1988, he unleashed chemical gas
    attacks on the Kurds murdering 5,000 people. Between 1987 and 1989,
    Hussein destroyed 4,500 villages and murdered 200,000 Kurds. I visited
    the national monument and museum there and met the survivors.

    And in all cases, the experience of "being there" first hand created
    a depth of understanding that no amount of briefing notes or books can
    convey. For example, I did not fully appreciate the scale of mechanised
    death of Auschwitz until I stood there on a freezing January day.

    Similarly one cannot appreciate the survival of the Jewish people and
    the State of Israel, without being there. Visiting Israel is the best
    education for any parliamentarian. You get an immediate appreciation
    of Israeli geography. You discover what a "nuclear Iran" means to
    Israelis and Palestinians alike.

    But finally, a visit to the Security barrier was the most
    enlightening. Put simply, it is a barrier against terrorism. While
    it is easy to debate such things from far away...~Ethe fact is that,
    on the ground, the security barrier saves lives.

    In short, a colleague asked if my visit to the Middle East had changed
    my views on Israel. I said it had. It had made me an even stronger
    supporter of Israel.

    I hope I have conveyed my connection with Judaism and how it has
    influenced my approach to public and political life. I owe my education
    and opportunities to a person of Jewish faith who opened my eyes to
    a greater world.

    Therefore, I intend to use the privilege of my position as a Member
    of Parliament to advocate policies and arguments that - I hope -
    will make the Jewish community proud.

    I also hope to continue that and look forward to catching up with
    old friends again in future.

    Thank you. It has been an honour and a privilege to address you.
