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Rep. Schiff: Time To Refocus On Artsakh

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  • Rep. Schiff: Time To Refocus On Artsakh


    Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

    Rep. Adam Schiff


    When the Soviet Union broke apart twenty years ago, simmering ethnic
    and regional conflicts that had been suppressed for decades reemerged
    with great suddenness. Concentrated in the Caucasus, the fighting
    has ebbed and flowed over the years, with several of the conflicts
    left unresolved, or "frozen," as American and European policymakers
    have been preoccupied with crises in the Middle East and South Asia,
    and economic woes at home.

    The most bitter of these clashes, and the one most likely to flare
    anew, is the standoff between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh or
    "Artsakh," an almost exclusively Armenian area that was placed under
    Azerbaijani administration in 1923 by the Soviet Government, despite
    centuries of cultural, linguistic and religious ties to Armenia.

    In 1988, as Soviet central control was beginning to weaken under
    Mikhail Gorbachev, the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh
    renewed their longstanding struggle for independence from Azerbaijan,
    touching off six years of conflict that would claim tens of thousands
    of casualties on both sides and push thousands more from their homes
    by the time a cease-fire was reached in May 1994.

    The years since the end of the war have been uneasy - punctuated by
    frequent sniper attacks by Azeri forces along the line of contact
    and an unremitting stream of threats from a broad array of senior
    Azerbaijani government officials, including a threat to shoot down
    civilian airliners should the Nagorno Karabakh Republic proceed
    with plans to reopen Stepanakert Airport. In addition, the people of
    Artsakh face the daily threat from the estimated 100,000 land mines
    that were planted during the fighting of the early 1990s, and which
    remain largely uncleared.

    Since 1992, the United States, France and Russia have spearheaded
    international efforts to mediate the impasse through the Organization
    for Security and Cooperation in Europe's "Minsk Group." Despite
    repeated efforts, including a renewed declaration of purpose by
    the three co-chairs in May 2012, the process has been stalled by
    repeated Azerbaijani demands for preconditions and added pressure on
    the Armenian side.

    The volatility of the situation was greatly heightened last month
    by the egregious repatriation and release of Ramil Safarov, an
    Azerbaijani army captain who had confessed to the savage 2004 axe
    murder of Armenian army lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan, while the latter
    slept. At the time, the two were participating in a NATO Partnership
    for Peace exercise in Budapest, Hungary. After the murder, Safarov
    was sentenced to life in prison by a Hungarian court.

    On August 31, Safarov was sent home to Azerbaijan, purportedly to
    serve out the remainder of his sentence. Instead of prison, he was
    greeted as a hero - promenading through the streets of Baku carrying a
    bouquet of roses. President Ilham Aliyev immediately pardoned Safarov
    and he was promoted to the rank of major and given a new apartment
    and eight years of back pay.

    Safarov's rapturous welcome in Baku is testament to the degree of
    anti-Armenian hatred that is being incited in contemporary Azerbaijan.

    That a man who nearly decapitated a sleeping comrade could be
    treated as a national hero is so inexplicable and appalling, it
    vindicates the concern of many Armenians that the forced imposition
    of Azeri sovereignty over the free people of Arstakh would result in
    a bloodbath.

    The Aliyev government, for its part, by so publicly embracing
    a confessed murderer, has deliberately provoked all Armenians
    and defied the rule of law - while at the same time foreclosing
    any progress towards a resolution of the status of Artsakh in the
    foreseeable future. Azerbaijan's transgression must carry a price,
    but it should also serve to remind us of the pressing need to ensure
    the rights of the Artsakh people to determine their own destiny.

    I have long supported self-determination for the people of
    Nagorno-Karabakh and I believe that unless the United States and its
    Minsk Group partners take concerted efforts to resolve the status of
    Nagorno-Karabakh in a way that reflects the will of the people of
    Artsakh, the prospect for renewed fighting and horrific casualties
    will grow. It is in everybody's interest to see this matter settled
    and it should be a diplomatic priority for 2013.

    Years of fighting and economic isolation have left Nagorno-Karabakh
    seriously underdeveloped. With the assistance of the Armenian-American
    community, I have been pressing for USAID to devote more assistance
    to Artsakh. While I have succeeded in getting the amount for next
    year more than doubled (to $5 million) in the State Department funding
    bill pending in the House of Representatives, the need is much greater
    and more aid will be necessary.

    Building a strong, independent Artsakh is only half of the equation,
    however. Azerbaijan must also be reminded that the price for its
    actions is high. Azerbaijan treasures the security assistance that
    it receives from Washington, not because it needs the money (it does
    not), but because it signifies a certain closeness in the bilateral
    relationship. By cutting off military aid to Azerbaijan, the United
    States would signal its disgust with the Safarov affair, while also
    reminding Aliyev that the United States will not tolerate any acts
    of aggression against Armenia or Artsakh.

    The people of Artsakh - overwhelmingly Armenian and overwhelmingly
    Christian - cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of Aliyev. By
    celebrating a murderer, he and his country have shown the world their
    true nature and made a compelling case for hastening full recognition
    of independent Artsakh.
