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Baku: Is Russia Preparing Replacement For Ilham Aliyev?

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  • Baku: Is Russia Preparing Replacement For Ilham Aliyev?



    BAKU. October 18, 2012: In a surprise turn of events, a powerful group
    of Azeri oligarchs and prominent members of the Azerbaijani Diaspora
    in Russia established a new organization - the Union of Azerbaijani
    Organizations in Russia (UAOR). Billionares Vagit Alekperov, Araz
    Agalarov and Telman Ismayilov are among the founders of this new
    organization, along with the multimillionare businessman Iskender
    Khalilov, prominent Azeri writer Rustam Ibrahimbeyov, Abbas Abbasov,
    the former deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan, Soyun Sadigov,
    chairman of the Cultural Autonomy of Russia Azerbaijanis "Azerross,"
    Natig Agamirov, president of Guild of Notaries of Russia, Ramazan
    Abdulatipov, Russian State Duma Deputy from Daghestan. While the
    founders of the organization declared that they have no political
    ambitions, the very fact that so many powerful players with close ties
    to the Russian government came together to form an organization speaks
    for itself. The media speculates that the Azerbaijani ambassador to
    Russia Polad Bulbuloglu supports UAOR as well. Surprisingly, one of
    the UAOR founders is closely related to the Azerbaijani president
    Ilham Aliyev himself. Billionare Araz Agalarov's son Emin is married
    to Ilham Aliyev's daughter Leyla.

    Turan News Agency reports that the Azerbaijan State Committee for
    Diaspora Affairs issued a statement condemning the creation of
    the Union of Azerbaijani Organizations in Russia (UAOR). The State
    Committee considers it unnecessary to create a new organization, as
    the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress (RAC) was created in Russia in
    2001. The current structure has 73 regional offices in 67 regions of
    Russia, and is one of the most powerful and influential Azerbaijani
    Diaspora organizations in the world, according to the statement of the
    State Committee. The State Committee considers the creation of UAOR
    a step that "does not serve the unity and solidarity of Azerbaijanis
    living in the Russian Federation."

    The statement of the State Committee can be considered as an
    expression of concern by official Baku about the loss of influence
    on the Azerbaijani Diaspora in Russia.

    Ali Hasanov, Chief of the Public Political Department of the
    Presidential Administration, made a more cautious statement in
    his interview to "Whatever is written about the
    newly established Union of Azerbaijani Organizations in Russia is
    the speculation of the media. Let's wait and see what these people
    themselves have to say. We shall make our position public after that"
    (Azeri Report).
