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Republican Party Of Armenia And Prosperous Armenia Party Are Friendl

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  • Republican Party Of Armenia And Prosperous Armenia Party Are Friendl

    by David Stepanyan

    Thursday, October 18, 22:38

    There are exactly 4 months left before the presidential elections,
    which will be held in Armenia on 18 Feb 2013, however, neither of the
    two possible key contenders for the presidential post has not made an
    official statement on his intentions yet. It should be noted that the
    republic is experiencing such a situation for the first time. Given
    the mentality of what is called political elite in Armenia, it appears
    that such an uncertain situation has become possible exclusively due
    to the lack of arrangements between the leading political parties of
    Armenia, the friendly enemies - Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) and
    the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP). To all appearances, the problem
    is not only the domestic political collisions, but also the foreign
    contradictions concerning Armenia...

    Right after the first presidential elections of independent Armenia
    in 1991, a good tradition was created in the post-Soviet republic
    - to make a decision on the next head of the state long before the
    elections, which only fixed the arrangements of the concerned parties'
    representatives. Today the given tradition seems to have undergone some
    adjustments; the intensity of emotions is too big and casts doubt on
    achievement of final arrangements between the PAP and the RPA. To note,
    during all the previous parliamentary and presidential elections in
    the republic, the strategy of artificial opposing of various parties,
    which, in fact, are a single power team, has completely proved its
    worth, ensuring retention of power at all possible elections.

    As a result, the Armenian society has become completely disoriented,
    when the overwhelming part of the electorate believes in neither the
    power nor the "opposition" today, preferring not to go to the polls
    at all or to spoil the ballots. Despite the fact that the authorities
    farsightedly liquidated the box "Against Everybody" in the ballots,
    Armenians found the way out, and the 54,000 ballots recognized
    invalid during the May 6 2012 parliamentary elections became the best
    evidence of indifference of the citizens towards the "elections",
    the power and the "opposition". Today an average citizen of Armenia
    trusts neither the power, nor the opposition, nor the elections,
    nor the courts. Only the people, who are unaware of the reality,
    look for justice in all the abovementioned instances.

    Under these conditions, the performance of the intra-power
    confrontation between the ruling RPA and the PAP has become an
    imperative. The RPA, wherein the incumbent President of Armenia is
    surrounded by people controlling the main part of Armenian economy,
    which are considered to be oligarchs, resembles to a certain extent
    the Communist Party of the USSR with all that it entails. The
    situation with the PAP nominally headed by Gagik Tsarukyan is much
    more complicated. The PAP was created in 2006 on the initiative of the
    then president Robert Kocharyan as a counterweight to Serzh Sargsyan.

    During Kocharyan's presidency, Sargsyan was a prime minister and
    Kocharyan's single option successor and Kocharyan was concerned over
    Sargsyan's political and financial future.

    Kocharyan created the PAP to retain power at least at the level
    of Parliament. However, on 12 May 2007, during the parliamentary
    elections in Armenia, the people who held high posts and were the
    so-called administrative resource, obeyed the self-preservation
    instinct and flopped over to the Republicans within a day. As a result,
    the PAP gained the second place in the Parliament, yielding to the
    Republicans. The situation has changed and today's growing tension
    in the political field is direct evidence of that. Thus, the RPA and
    the PAP are playing a tense game, wherein the financial welfare of a
    group of people owning more than 80% of Armenia's national treasure
    is staked.

    Accusations, criminal prosecution and black PR are used in the game,
    in which all the force and judicial structures of the republic are
    involved. The PAP allegedly wants to control the main levers of
    executive power, first of all, to gain the prime minister's post and
    some ministerial portfolios as a price for supporting Serzh Sargsyan
    during the presidential elections in 2013. The Republicans allegedly
    refused to carry out this demand, as they are afraid to lose the
    political influence after Robert Kocharyan returns to power.

    It is obvious that the foreign power centers, first of all, Russians
    and Americans are also very much interested in the results of the
    game between the RPA and the PAP. The thing is that Vartan Oskanian,
    a former citizen of the USA, the second person in the "pro-Russian"
    PAP, has classical pro-Western views. And one of the key figures in
    the RPA, which is no less "pro-Russian", is pro-Western Prime Minister
    Tigran Sargsyan, which reportedly remains a premier exclusively due to
    the protection of the WB and the IMF. The PAP publicly comes out for
    Armenia's membership in the Eurasian Union, and the RPA - for European
    integration. In the meantime, both parties hardly have about twenty
    people capable to ground their pro-Russian or pro-Western ideologies.

    Actually, it is not amazing if all the parties of post-Soviet Armenia
    resemble a bazaar. Under such conditions, the deep thoughts of the
    Russian and Western colleagues about the geopolitical interests and
    ideological preferences of the RPA or the PAP became an object of
    ridicule for the local political experts long ago. The only ideology
    and driving force instigating all the political forces of Armenia to
    rivalry is the irresistible desire of some forces to come to power
    and the desire of the other forces to remain at power.

    Since becoming President Serzh Sargsyan has successfully posed as a
    pro-Russian politician, who, in the meantime, is eager to integrate
    his country into Europe and is stably loyal to the United States. They
    in Moscow, Brussels and Washington perfectly see what is going on
    and are playing up to the Armenian leader by pretending that they
    believe in his ability to sit on two chairs at one and the same time.

    Countries with imperial ambitious have always welcomed leaders with no
    national ideologies. And it was for this reason that Sargsyan agreed
    to perform in the United States' Armenian-Turkish rapprochement show,
    is actively involved in all of the EU's integration programs and
    stays loyal to the Kremlin (only because he sees no other way to
    ensure his country's security). And it is exactly this policy that
    has made Serzh Sargsyan the best possible presidential candidate for
    Brussels and Washington, on the one hand, and Moscow, on the other.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress