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ANKARA: Zirve Massacre Suspect: Ergenekon's Armed Wing Still Active

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  • ANKARA: Zirve Massacre Suspect: Ergenekon's Armed Wing Still Active


    Today's Zaman
    Oct 18 2012

    A suspect standing trial in the Zirve Publishing House massacre
    case has told the court that the National Strategies and Operations
    Department of Turkey (TUSHAD), the armed wing of the Ergenekon
    crime network, is still active and continues to plot attacks against

    Suspect 襤lker C覺nar, who was heard by the Malatya 3rd High Criminal
    Court on Wednesday, told the court that TUSHAD, a clandestine
    organization within the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), is behind the
    attacks against non-Muslim minorities and Christians and that it is
    the armed wing of Ergenekon.

    Ergenekon is a shadowy crime network which has alleged links within
    the state and is suspected of plotting to topple the government.

    The Zirve Publishing House massacre concerns the brutal killing of
    three Christian publishers based in Malatya in 2007, which led to an
    outrage in the country.

    C覺nar was heard by the court after he sent a petition to the court
    saying that there are things he would like to tell.

    He said he testified to former 襤stanbul Specially Authorized Chief
    Prosecutor Zekeriya Oz on Dec. 24 and Dec. 28, 2010 and March 14, 2011
    as a secret witness in the case with the codename "Deniz Uygar." He
    said his statements to the prosecutor led to the discovery of TUSHAD
    and individuals against whom he filed criminal complaints being put
    in jail.

    According to the indictment in the Zirve massacre, TUSHAD was
    established in 1993 by former four-star Gen. Hur癬_it Tolon on
    instructions from the illegal Ergenekon organization while Tolon
    was serving as secretary-general of the General Staff. The 761-page
    indictment lists 19 suspects and was accepted by the Malatya 3rd
    High Criminal Court earlier this year. In the additional indictment,
    Tolon -- also a key suspect in the Ergenekon investigation together
    with retired Col. Mehmet Ulger, a former Malatya gendarmerie regiment
    commander, and Maj. Haydar Ye癬_il -- stands among the accused.

    According to the prosecutors, the Zirve massacre was carried out by
    the Malatya cell of TUSHAD.

    Indicating that TUSHAD is a clandestine organization nested in
    state institutions, C覺nar said: "There is this structure behind the
    reprehensible attacks against non-Muslims and Christians and it is
    never the state. TUSHAD is the armed wing of Ergenekon."

    C覺nar also noted that he joined the White Forces Command, which
    is linked to TUSHAD, in late 1993 and was briefed on missionary

    "My instructor was Levent Ers繹z [a general who is a prime suspect
    in the Ergenekon case]. I received orders from this person. I met
    missionaries and socialized with them. I am a Muslim. I did not adopt
    Christianity. I conveyed all the intelligence I gathered to TUSHAD
    through couriers who came to me," he said.

    C覺nar also told the court that he learned from retired Col. Mehmet
    Ulger, the former commander of the Malatya Provincial Gendarmerie
    Command, during a workshop that an attack would be carried out against
    the Zirve Publishing House in Malatya, but he did not know that it
    would include the killing of the publishers.

    "If I had understood that murder [of the publishers] was intended
    in this attack, I would have done what was necessary to prevent it,"
    he added.

    C覺nar said he was invited to Malatya following the murder, but
    that when he criticized the attack, Ulger threatened him, saying:
    "The Zirve, Hrant and Santoro [killings] are operations. The Zirve
    incident will be attributed to the AKP [Justice and Development Party
    government] and the Gulen movement with fake intelligence documents."

    The Zirve massacre was preceded by other attacks against non-Muslim
    figures in the country. Catholic priest Andrea Santoro was killed in
    Trabzon in February 2006, while Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink
    was killed in January 2007, both incidents that horrified the country,
    sparking debate about the safety of non-Muslims in Turkey.
