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Victory Is Overcoming of Weaknesses

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  • Victory Is Overcoming of Weaknesses

    Victory Is Overcoming of Weaknesses

    Siranuysh Papyan
    Story from News:

    Published: 12:28:50 - 20/10/2012

    Interview with Manvel Sargsyan, ACNIS Director

    Is there an RPA-PAP conflict or is this a game?

    When one tries to understand if there is a controversy or struggle
    deriving from controversy, one must first try to understand how the people
    you mentioned interpret controversy because it may mean something else to
    them. Now we cannot try to draw conclusions on the purposes and actions of
    other people.

    But is this the country's problem? Does anyone expect any real difference
    and is this related to the interests of the society? I think this is an
    exaggerated curiosity, an artificially provoked curiosity and derives from
    the feeling of hopelessness of the society.

    What are the interests of the society? Are they related to the interests
    of the government?

    The problems will not become dominant for the greater part of the society
    unless the society defines its problems. In the country some major
    proprietors define their problems and later impose them on the society.
    Nothing will change unless the society has defines its problems. As soon as
    the problem is defined, solutions will come. Now attempts are made but
    apparently the problems are not defined correctly so they return to the
    place where they started.

    The society has defined the problem that the greatest obstacle to the
    development of Armenia is the criminal and oligarchic system.

    I don't think the society has defined this problem if it had defined, it
    would identify the ways of solving this problem. A political force or
    another has defined this problem based on its perceptions which have not
    led us anywhere. In countries like Armenia we have very little expectations
    from political forces. The society sees clearly that a political force may
    state the election was rigged and then call everyone to vote.

    Mr. Sargsyan, there is an opinion that the society consists of a number of
    layers and therefore there will be no change.

    We are a unitary, profound, clan, totalitarian society where the word of
    man has no value. Therefore, we are looking for someone to solve the
    problem. In a country of law even one person can see the problem, thinks,
    tries to solve it, part of the society is concerned about the problem, and
    they try to solve the problem together. Whenever an Armenian faces a
    problem he or she cannot solve, he or she immediately starts looking for
    someone who can solve it. The biggest problem now is to overcome this
    mentality. First you need to have a wish, then you need to assume
    responsibility and go ahead.

    This is not moral but physical extermination of the society. A society is a
    little different from man. A famous revolutionary has said that the ugliest
    thing is a dead society, people can bury a dead person but a dead society
    dies and decays inside. These are the signs of a dead society. The sooner
    we forget about them, the sooner we will notice the new springs which do
    not obey oligarchs and local strongmen. Some of them have understood that
    new terms, new approaches are needed, people speak a real language, the
    issue is to underpin and multiply this process.

    However, there is a crisis of civic movement.

    Yes, there is. Look the negative attitude of the society, the mass media to
    any new phenomenon. As soon as a person succeeds in some field, raises an
    issue, the old system starts devouring, destroying. The dying system
    contaminates, smothers. The new forces must make new steps to overcome
    hindrances. There are people who have been unable to overcome this
    situation for millennia but there are people who showed how they passed
    this way because people first overcome themselves. Real victory is to
    overcome one's own weakness.

    Look at Oskanian who speaks about a country of law but ignores such an
    anti-law thing as Tsarukyan's party which is the child of this unti-law
