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Prosperous Armenia MP critical of ruling party rep

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  • Prosperous Armenia MP critical of ruling party rep

    Prosperous Armenia MP critical of ruling party rep
    19:32 - 19.10.12

    Vahan Babayan, an MP of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), has
    responded to the statements Khosrov Harutyunyan, an MP of the ruling
    Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), made in an interview with the
    Aravot newspaper.

    In his interview, Kh. Harutyunyan was critical of Naira Zohrabyan,
    Secretary of the PAP parliamentary group, who spoke of the group's
    non-participation in the parliamentary debate on Armenia's state

    `The PAP is not yet a full-fledged party, and I do not want any splits
    within it. The PAP is critical of all the governments Armenia has had
    since 2008. However, the Control Chamber's reports say that the
    ministries headed by PAP members were the most corrupt and full of
    abusive practices - ministries of urban development, health and social
    affairs,' Harutyunyan said in his interview.

    `Khosrov Harutyunyan is the world's only premier that was critical of
    his own program under Levon Ter-Petrosyan's presidency. He was
    Armenia's only premier to resign because he grossly violated human and
    political ethics,' Babayan's statement says.

    `Oskanian was critical and was understood. Oskanian was not [part of
    the coalition government], but you joined his criticism. Whom are you
    putting down as a fool? How can you speak of failed policy and
    responsibility when you held the key posts?' said Harutyunyan.

    Kh. Harutyunyan is not a person that has the right to publicly voice
    his opinion of the PAP, Babayan said. To substantiate, he referred to
    a letter Kh. Harutyunyan wrote years ago.

    According to Babayan, that letter was addressed to the then Prosecutor
    General of Armenia V. Nazaryan. That letter contained information
    against the Karabakh movement and its active members.

    `That letter was written at when the Armenian people took to the
    streets and the best sons of the people went to defend the homeland,'
    Babayan said.

    Summing up, he said that a couple of such episodes in an individual's
    life are enough to `sink into oblivion.'
    Talking to, Kh. Harutyunyan said that he has no idea of any
    letter. `I have just heard about it from you for the first time.'
