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Photograph links Germans to 1915 Armenia genocide

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  • Photograph links Germans to 1915 Armenia genocide

    Photograph links Germans to 1915 Armenia genocide
    Robert Fisk
    Sunday, 21 October 2012

    [Summary: Newly discovered picture shows Kaiser's officers at scene of
    Turkish atrocity. The photograph is available at the link above.]

    The photograph - never published before - was apparently taken in the
    summer of 1915. Human skulls are scattered over the earth. They are
    all that remain of a handful of Armenians slaughtered by the Ottoman
    Turks during the First World War. Behind the skulls, posing for the
    camera, are three Turkish officers in tall, soft hats and a man, on
    the far right, who is dressed in Kurdish clothes. But the two other
    men are Germans, both dressed in the military flat caps, belts and
    tunics of the Kaiserreichsheer, the Imperial German Army. It is an
    atrocity snapshot - just like those pictures the Nazis took of their
    soldiers posing before Jewish Holocaust victims a quarter of a century

    Did the Germans participate in the mass killing of Christian Armenians
    in 1915? This is not the first photograph of its kind; yet hitherto
    the Germans have been largely absolved of crimes against humanity
    during the first holocaust of the 20th century. German diplomats in
    Turkish provinces during the First World War recorded the forced
    deportations and mass killing of a million and a half Armenian
    civilians with both horror and denunciation of the Ottoman Turks,
    calling the Turkish militia-killers "scum". German parliamentarians
    condemned the slaughter in the Reichstag.

    Indeed, a German army medical officer, Armin Wegner, risked his life
    to take harrowing photographs of dying and dead Armenians during the
    genocide. In 1933, Wegner pleaded with Hitler on behalf of German
    Jews, asking what would become of Germany if he continued his
    persecution. He was arrested and tortured by the Gestapo and is today
    recognised at the Yad Vashem Jewish Holocaust memorial in Israel; some
    of his ashes are buried at the Armenian Genocide Museum in the
    capital, Yerevan.

    It is this same Armenian institution and its energetic director, Hayk
    Demoyan, which discovered this latest photograph. It was found with
    other pictures of Turks standing beside skulls, the photographs
    attached to a long-lost survivor's testimony. All appear to have been
    taken at a location identified as "Yerznka" - the town of Erzinjan,
    many of whose inhabitants were murdered on the road to Erzerum.
    Erzinjan was briefly captured by Russian General Nikolai Yudenich from
    the Turkish 3rd Army in June of 1916, and Armenians fighting on the
    Russian side were able to gather much photographic and documentary
    evidence of the genocide against their people the previous year.
    Russian newspapers - also archived at the Yerevan museum - printed
    graphic photographs of the killing fields. Then the Russians were
    forced to withdraw.

    Wegner took many photographs at the end of the deportation trail in
    what is now northern Syria, where tens of thousands of Armenians died
    of cholera and dysentery in primitive concentration camps. However,
    the museum in Yerevan has recently uncovered more photos taken in
    Rakka and Ras al-Ayn, apparently in secret by Armenian survivors. One
    picture - captioned in Armenian, "A caravan of Armenian refugees at
    Ras al-Ayn" - shows tents and refugees. The photograph seems to have
    been shot from a balcony overlooking the camp.

    Another, captioned in German "Armenian camp in Rakka", may have been
    taken by one of Wegner's military colleagues, showing a number of men
    and women among drab-looking tents. Alas, almost all those Armenians
    who survived the 1915 death marches to Ras al-Ayn and Rakka were
    executed the following year when the Turkish-Ottoman genocide caught
    up with them.

    Some German consuls spoke out against Turkey. The Armenian-American
    historian Peter Balakian has described how a German Protestant
    petition to Berlin protested that "since the end of May, the
    deportation of the entire Armenian population from all the Anatolian
    Vilayets [governorates] and Cilicia in the Arabian steppes south of
    the Baghdad-Berlin railway had been ordered". As the Deutsche Bank was
    funding the railway, its officials were appalled to see its rolling
    stock packed with Armenian male deportees and transported to places of
    execution. Furthermore, Professor Balakian and other historians have
    traced how some of the German witnesses to the Armenian holocaust
    played a role in the Nazi regime.

    Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath, for example, was attached to the
    Turkish 4th Army in 1915 with instructions to monitor "operations"
    against the Armenians; he later became Hitler's foreign minister and
    "Protector of Bohemia and Moravia" during Reinhard Heydrich's terror
    in Czechoslovakia. Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg was consul at
    Erzerum from 1915-16 and later Hitler's ambassador to Moscow.

    Rudolf Hoess was a German army captain in Turkey in 1916; from
    1940-43, he was commandant of the Auschwitz extermination camp and
    then deputy inspector of concentration camps at SS headquarters. He
    was convicted and hanged by the Poles at Auschwitz in 1947.

    We may never know, however, the identity of the two officers standing
    so nonchalantly beside the skulls of Erzinjan.
