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US probes South Caucasus' attitude to Iran

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  • US probes South Caucasus' attitude to Iran

    RusData Dialine - Russian Press Digest
    October 19, 2012 Friday

    US probes South Caucasus' attitude to Iran

    by Igor Potylov
    source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta

    Eric Rubin, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and
    Eurasian Affairs, is touring Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia to
    promote democracy and cooperation and develop partnership on the
    issues of Syria and Iran. The media in Azerbaijan reports that Rubin's
    visit to Georgia focused on economic issues, civil freedoms and
    Nagorno-Karabakh. The US Embassy in Armenia's press service said Rubin
    would attend a meeting of the US-Armenian group on economic
    cooperation to discuss stimulating investment in energy and trade, as
    well as nuclear power.

    The agenda for high-ranking Washington officials' visits to the South
    Caucasus seldom varies, and this is not simply because Azerbaijan,
    Georgia and Armenia face largely similar problems, but also for
    ethical reasons. Washington wants to convince them that they are all
    equal partners. Therefore, if Rubin talked about Iran in Georgia, he
    did or will do the same in the other two South Caucasus states.
    "During the meetings with the President and future Prime Minister of
    Georgia, we discussed the international community's efforts to prevent
    Iran from developing nuclear weapons," Rubin told a press briefing at
    the US Embassy in Tbilisi as quoted by Azernews. "We are broadly
    cooperating over the Turkish-Syrian issue, and Georgia is called upon
    to play a peacekeeping role in the region." However, some Georgian
    experts believe that Rubin met with Mikheil Saakashvili and Bidzina
    Ivanishvili to probe Georgia's attitude to Iran, where Washington will
    want Georgia to play a special role if the situation escalates.
    Georgian politician Irina Sarishvili said before Rubin's visit that
    many hospitals built in Georgia recently under a presidential program
    bear an alarming likeness to standard US military hospitals.
    Considering the speedy modernization and construction of airports for
    heavy transport planes and other infrastructure improvements, this
    could be more than straightforward concern for the Georgians. Eric
    Rubin also said in Tbilisi, clearly referring to Russian bases in
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia that "the US position regarding the
    obligations that Russia undertook in 2008 to withdraw its troops from
    the Georgian territory remain unchanged." He said the US stance on the
    sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia is firm and clear.
    Commenting on the recent parliamentary election, Rubin congratulated
    Ivanishvili on the victory and praised Saakashvili's personal
    contribution to positive developments in Georgia. He said the world
    can see that democracy in Georgia is real, and that the country can
    become a model for the region. Rubin also met with ministerial
    nominees, notably Irakly Alasania who is slated to become the Defense
    Minister. Alasania assured him that Georgia would honor its
    commitments in Afghanistan. In response, Rubin said that Washington
    would redouble its efforts to promote Georgia's rapprochement with
    NATO. The US official refused to comment on Ivanishvili's plans to
    participate in the Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014. He said he was
    pleased with Saakashvili's assurances that Georgia is committed to
    strengthening ties with Euro-Atlantic organizations and the United
    States, and to guaranteeing press freedom.

    From: A. Papazian