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Armenia to extend service life of NPP reactor by 10 yrs

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  • Armenia to extend service life of NPP reactor by 10 yrs

    Interfax, Russia
    Oct 19 2012

    Armenia to extend service life of NPP reactor by 10 yrs

    YEREVAN. Oct 19

    Armenia has decided to extend the service life of the existing
    generating unit at the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant by ten years,
    Energy and Natural Resources Minister Armen Movsisian said at a
    meeting of the Armenian-American working group on Thursday.

    The NPP's service life must be extended by ten years taking into
    account that the construction of a new generating unit at the plant
    will take a decade, Movsisian said, adding that the program of
    measures to extend the service life is now being discussed.

    Armenia and the United States on Thursday signed a memorandum of
    mutual understanding in the energy sector. Following the signing, U.S.
    Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern said that the U.S. supports the
    position of the global community in that the service life of the
    Armenian NPP should be restricted to 2016. However, he said the U.S.
    is prepared to provide assistance to Armenia in extending the service
    life of the existing NPP by ten years in order to ensure the safe
    operation of the plant.

    Russia and Armenia signed an agreement on the construction of a new
    1,060 MW generating unit with a light water VVER reactor at the
    Armenian NPP in August 2010. Armenia and Russia's Atomstroyexport
    (ASE) formed the 50-50 joint venture Metsamorenergoatom to implement
    the project. The venture is also looking for investors for the

    There are plans to start building in the second half of 2012 and in
    2013 and to finish up in 2017. The cost of construction is estimated
    at $4-$5 billion.

    In February of this year, Movsisyan said that there are plans to build
    the power unit in 2019-2020.

    The Armenian NPP now has one 400 MW generating unit, the intended
    service life of which ends in 2016. However, Armenia has already said
    that the reactor will only be mothballed after a new one is built.
    IAEA experts have also said that the life of the existing reactor can
    be extended.

