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Heritage site in Tripoli (Lebanon) under threat

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  • Heritage site in Tripoli (Lebanon) under threat

    The Daily Star (Lebanon)
    October 19, 2012 Friday

    Heritage site in Tripoli under threat

    by Misbah al-Ali

    The architecture in Tripoli's dense old city tells of its past: Mamluk
    and Ottoman structures sit next to each other, some on top of Roman

    TRIPOLI, Lebanon: The architecture in Tripoli's dense old city tells
    of its past: Mamluk and Ottoman structures sit next to each other,
    some on top of Roman ruins. And inside one of these buildings is a
    hidden, but no less significant historic gem: the now endangered
    Traveler's Library.

    Taking up some 1,000 square meters of a building that is likely from
    the Ottoman era, the Traveler's Library holds tens of thousands of
    books and archives, meticulously collected by one man. Father Ibrahim
    Sarouj opened the library in 1972, and moved to his current location
    10 years later. He is now the historic structure's only tenant, and it
    seems that developers are attempting to evict him and take over the
    valuable space his collection occupies.

    Sarouj, whose family once lived in Jerusalem but has been in Lebanon
    for generations, said that he has at least 80,000 titles, including
    rare tomes in languages such as Greek, Dutch, Turkish, Armenian and
    Aramaic. His is one of the city's largest libraries, and it is
    meticulously organized.

    The Traveler's Library includes archives documenting Tripoli's
    history, among its treasures are the inaugural issues of the first
    Tripoli-based magazine, "Trablous al-Sham," (Tripoli of Syria).

    To Sarouj, the importance of the library is in "a romantic idea of
    Tripoli as a city of knowledge, culture, books, newspapers and
    beautiful buildings ... today this idea is being destroyed by
    consumption and a loss of cultural identity, both the result of

    He called the Traveler's Library "a rare case in the city and country
    ... that people need to preserve," noting he "doesn't make a penny"
    out of the place.

    Although the building has been all but abandoned, it has no visible
    cracks. There are reports that the property's owner has inked a deal
    with a real estate developer that would entail demolition, and Sarouj
    said he has rejected a demand by the owner that he leave.

    As it is listed as a heritage site with the Culture Ministry, severe
    damage and desertion could help the case for eventually tearing it
    down. Neighbors told The Daily Star that they witnessed a group of
    workers enter the upper floors and begin on what they assumed was a
    construction project. Instead, they found that the men were
    deliberately damaging the building's stone.

    Tripoli's mayor Nader Ghazal said that as part of old Tripoli, the
    building is under threat from general negligence and acts of
    vandalism. "We have informed Father Ibrahim Sarouj of the recent
    damage to the building, and that it was done to force the complete
    abandonment of the building to make way for its demolition," he said.

    Ghazal added that municipality has sent personnel to "carry out
    necessary maintenance work, and refuses to give up on the building."

    It has been reported that the building was once the city's Serail, and
    that it sits on the site of an old American school. Clearly, it is
    valuable in itself.

    For Sarouj and those who love the library, the knowledge kept inside
    the ground floor is equally important both for its cultural value and
    the information it can offer future generations. But if the sabotage
    continues, he may have no choice but to take his books elsewhere.
