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Officials From Azerbaijan, Albania, Kazakhstan Will Watch U.S. Elect

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  • Officials From Azerbaijan, Albania, Kazakhstan Will Watch U.S. Elect

    By Patrick Goodenough
    October 22, 2012

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    Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev

    Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev meets with President Obama
    at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington in April 2010. (AP

    ( - When American voters go to the polls next month, among
    those observing the election will be monitors from four countries
    judged by the veteran democracy watchdog Freedom House as "not free"
    and another six it regards as "partly free."

    The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
    observers will "assess these elections for compliance with
    international obligations and standards for democratic elections."

    They will also look into voter-identification and other laws which
    critics have labeled "racially discriminatory."

    In a recent letter to the head of the OSCE mission, Dutch diplomat
    Daan Everts, liberal groups decried what they called "a coordinated
    political effort to disenfranchise millions of Americans -
    particularly traditionally disenfranchised groups like minorities,
    low-income people, women, young people, persons with disabilities,
    and the elderly."

    Everts heads a team deployed by the OSCE's Office for Democratic
    Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to monitor the elections at
    the invitation of the U.S. government.

    The mission comprises 13 "international experts" based in Washington
    and another 44 "long-term observers" in states across the nation to
    monitor the presidential and congressional elections.

    Twelve of the 44 observers come from four countries which Freedom House
    ranks "not free" - Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan;
    or from six that are deemed "partly free" - Albania, Armenia, Bosnia,
    Georgia, Macedonia and Ukraine.

    "Observers will assess these elections for compliance with
    international obligations and standards for democratic elections,
    including the commitments agreed to by all the OSCE participating
    states, and with national legislation," the ODIHR said in a statement.

    Observers will meet with relevant federal and state officials,
    political parties and candidates, and also monitor "a cross section
    of media outlets, with quantitative and qualitative analysis of their
    political and election-related coverage."

    "In line with ODIHR's methodology for limited election observation,
    the mission will not carry out systematic or comprehensive observation
    of the voting, counting, and tabulation on election day," it
    explained. "Mission members will, however, visit a number of polling
    stations across the country to follow election day procedures."

    The OSCE has observed U.S. elections since 2002.

    In an interim report on Friday, the observer mission stated that
    "[r]ecent state-level legislative initiatives to limit early voting
    and introduce stricter voter identification have become highly
    polarized. Democrats are concerned that these would disenfranchise
    eligible voters, while Republicans believe they are necessary to
    protect the integrity of the vote."

    In a letter to Everts on October 12, activist groups including the
    Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and the National
    Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) urged him
    to deploy the monitors "in those states where restrictions on voting
    have been most extensive," and cited Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
    Texas and Wisconsin.

    "Poll monitors should be particularly vigilant about requests for, and
    acceptance of, identification of those seeking to vote, particularly
    if certain groups, such as racial minorities and young voters, are
    being targeted," they wrote.

    The signatories, who included Leadership Conference president Wade
    Henderson and NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous, raised concerns
    about conservative anti-voter fraud groups that have been mobilizing
    volunteers as poll-watchers.

    "The valuable work of an impartial body like the OSCE in validating
    the reliability and fairness of our nation's election systems has
    proven indispensable over the years," they told the OSCE official.

    "We believe that in this hyper-partisan climate, it is more important
    than ever that we maintain the integrity of our elections and take
    the necessary steps to ensure that the right to vote is protected
    for all Americans - a right for which many have given their lives."

    The appeal to the OSCE follows a NAACP initiative to draw the attention
    of the United Nations' Human Rights Council (HRC) to what it calls
    "voter-suppression" measures.

    In September, a NAACP delegation visited the HRC in Geneva, urging
    the body to investigate "racially-discriminatory election laws" in
    the U.S., with a particular focus on those affecting people with
    felony convictions. The delegation said the HRC should then make
    recommendations to the U.S., aimed at restoring the political and
    voting rights of all citizens.

    A NAACP delegation also visited the HRC last March, when Jealous
    addressed the council on voter-ID and other laws. Among his audience
    were representatives of countries whose citizens have long been denied
    a free vote, including Cuba, China and Saudi Arabia.

    'Not free'

    Each year the Washington-based Freedom House evaluates political rights
    and civil liberties in the nations of the world, and then ranks them as
    "free," "not free" or "partly free."

    Kazakhstan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia, has been
    evaluated as "not free" every year since 1995.

    Freedom House's 2012 report notes that Kazakhstan's 71 year-old
    president "won a new five-year term in an April 2011 snap election,
    reportedly receiving 96 percent of the vote. Many potential challengers
    had been disqualified or boycotted the election, leaving three mostly
    symbolic opponents."

    "Kazakhstan is not an electoral democracy," it says. "The constitution
    grants the president considerable control over the legislature, the
    judiciary, and local governments. Under the current constitutional
    rules, President Nursultan Nazarbayev may serve an indefinite number
    of five-year terms."

    Kazakhstan is providing three of the 44 OSCE observers who will
    monitor the U.S. elections.

    While Kazakhstan received Freedom House's second worst score (six
    out of a possible seven) for political rights and third worst score
    (five out of a possible seven) for civil liberties, Belarus ranked
    even worse in 2012, getting a seven for political rights and a six
    for civil liberties.

    Situated between Russia and Poland, former Soviet republic Belarus
    is sometimes dubbed "Europe's last dictatorship."

    "Public protests following the deeply flawed December 19, 2010,
    presidential election led incumbent Alyaksandr Lukashenka, who claimed
    to have won a new term, to orchestrate an extensive crackdown on all
    forms of dissent," Freedom House says. "Most visibly, three former
    presidential candidates received prison terms of five years or more
    for their roles in the demonstrations."

    Belarus is providing one of the 44 OSCE observers who will monitor
    the U.S. elections, as are "not free" Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress