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Has Aliyev Been "Ordered"?

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  • Has Aliyev Been "Ordered"?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 14:44:50 - 22/10/2012

    After Ilham Aliyev accused bluntly the British Petroleum of not
    extracting enough oil and causing harm to Azerbaijan and Aliyev's
    pockets, another civil-political fight started in the country.

    On these days, a video featuring a member of the Azerbaijani
    parliament selling her seat in parliament for 1 million dollars was
    made public. The video caused reactions within the Azerbaijani youth
    organizations and they decided to hold an unauthorized rally.

    As a result, ten demonstrators demanding to disband the parliament of
    Azerbaijan were detained and sentenced to 7 to 10 days in prison. Over
    110 demonstrators have been detained.

    It is noteworthy that everything started with Aliyev's accusations
    against British Petroleum after which the press reported that either
    oil is ending in Azerbaijan or the Western centers decided to change
    Aliyev. Anyway, Aliyev had to have a serious reason to issue such a
    strict statement addressed to his investors.

    Judging by the opposition movement, there is really a decision to
    dismiss Aliyev's regime. It is not ruled out that it is determined
    by the admirable tenacity with which Aliyev refuses to open regional
    routes of communication without the settlement of the Karabakh issue.

    Even the statement by Russia, France and the U.S. didn't "convince"
    Aliyev to allow opening of the airport of Stepanakert.

    Aliyev has become an obstacle on the way of world centers which
    benefit from the opening of the South Caucasian communications.

    Everyone is interested, including Turkey, Russia which proposed
    restoring the Abkhazian railway and the Western countries which do not
    hide their wish to involve Armenia in regional infrastructures. Only
    Aliyev disagrees and when he is against everyone, British Petroleum
    starts digging less oil, thus paying less tax, at the same time
    financing human rights activists and the opposition. Now we just need
    to wait to see when Turkey will refuse Aliyev's services. Just like
    it was the first to call to eliminate Kaddafi, Assad and other old
    friends of it.
