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Dirty Campaign Expected

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  • Dirty Campaign Expected

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 10:54:30 - 22/10/2012

    Interview on home political events in Armenia with Hayk A.
    Martirosyan, Candidate of Sciences, a doctoral student in political
    science at the Sorbonne (New York)

    Mr. Martirosyan, what do you think about the recent home political
    events in Armenia, in particular those related to Vartan Oskanian? Is
    he possible to be a presidential nominee after all this?

    I think it will be naïve to exclude Vartan Oskanian's factor from
    the political life of Armenia but, at the same time, the authorities
    should have found some legal grounds to sue Oskanian since their
    step is possible to cause some reaction in the U.S. and within the
    international community. I think the Armenian authorities have weighted
    the grounds before launching the case, since they said ready to punish
    the responsible ones in case Oskanian is found out not guilty.

    As to the presidential elections, I think Oskanian's "glorification"
    and his new role of a persecuted figure may be both harmful and
    beneficial for Serzh Sargsyan. If Oskanian's side uses these facts in
    a right mode, it may cause serious difficulties for Serzh Sargsyan
    in the West, but on the other hand, if Oskanian decides to run for
    president, he will never win, but he will be considered the so-called
    "worthy candidate" to render the victory of the acting president
    more expressive. Despite the ardent speeches of certain members
    of Prosperous Armenia party, the PAP is not opposition, and Vartan
    Oskanian, as opposition candidate, has no chances to pretend to the
    office of president.

    Do you think the return of the second president is possible?

    I think the same scenario used in Russia will be applied in Armenia
    too. Hence, Serzh Sargsyan won't leave after one term ceding his office
    to Robert Kocharyan. We know the election mechanisms used in Armenia, I
    mean internal agreements. I don't think if they had such an agreement,
    they would be obliged to respect it. First because Serzh Sargsyan, even
    during Kocharyan's terms, was already a very weighty figure. And now,
    during his term of office, Sargsyan feels like his predecessor did,
    though I think there are anyway essential differences between the
    behaviors of both presidents. Consequently, it is unlikely that Serzh
    Sargsyan leaves his office after one term. The next reason is that
    Kocharyan is surely trying to return to politics otherwise the PAP
    would not exist today. But I think Kocharyan overestimates his power
    which is proven by his reaction to Oskanian's case: he only issues
    support. We know that Oskanian is in PAP by the order of Kocharyan.

    There are three possibilities of Kocharyan's return: the first is if
    there is some agreement with Sargsyan according to which the latter
    should leave office after two terms. Second, if Armenia changes its
    orientation towards the U.S.. Russia is not excluded to launch some
    processes in Armenia, perhaps even a palatial movement to have the
    power back for the second president. And the third possibility is the
    change of power in Armenia in the result of a new Armenian-Azerbaijani

    Are the arrests related to corruption an imitation or an expression
    of political will?

    Such steps are always done in half-democratic and half-authoritarian
    countries. I don't exclude the possibility that Serzh Sargsyan
    concluded that the state needs deep changes since the people are out
    of patience and that the fight against corruption is the biggest
    weapon of the authorities. On the other hand, the fact that these
    steps are made in the election period, stands for election activeness.

    Nevertheless, I think it will be impossible to solve issues through
    such steps. We see no names of influential oligarchs in the lists
    of arrested people, but the reason is not necessarily the lack of
    political will. It is very difficult to fight this system, it is
    difficult even in case of the best wishes of the president. It is
    necessary to change the system, otherwise, all the actions will be
    for elections in the result of which a group of non-influential people
    will appear behind bars.

    Who will run for president? And will there be alternatives?

    It is difficult to say who will be the ANC nominee but it won't be
    Ter-Petrosyan. I think he will be enough intelligent to understand that
    the elections, in case he runs, will be his last fiasco. There will
    be someone from the ARF Dashnaktsutyun, but I'm sure this candidate
    has no chances. The RPA will surely nominate Serzh Sargsyan and the
    Heritage - Raffi Hovhannisyan. I think both Oskanian and Tsarukyan are
    possible nominees. Robert Kocharyan's a less possible candidate. I
    think Serzh Sargsyan, any of the two PAP members and Kocharyan will
    compete. Anyway, the election campaign will be dirty.
