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Ra National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan Receives The Delegat

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  • Ra National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan Receives The Delegat


    On October 23 the RA National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan
    received the delegation of the Swiss businessmen. Welcoming the
    guests Hovik Abrahamyan expressed satisfaction in connection with
    the businessmen~Rs visit to Armenia. In the NA President~Rs word,
    during the recent years a political dialogue of high level had been
    shaped between Armenia and Switzerland and unprecedented development
    of relations had been registered.

    Touching upon the tangible enlivening of bilateral relations
    during the recent period Hovik Abrahamyan highlighted especially
    the role of inter-parliamentary cooperation. Highly appreciating
    the effective cooperation of Friendship Groups in the parliaments
    of Armenia and Switzerland, the NA President expressed confidence
    that using at utmost the opportunities of parliamentary diplomacy,
    they would continue to make their contribution to the development
    of bilateral and multilateral relations. It has been noted that
    the Armenia-Switzerland Parliamentary Group carries out effective
    activity also in the direction of reinforcement and development of
    trade-economic ties. Nevertheless, as to Hovik Abrahamyan, the levels
    of trade-economic cooperation and political relations are inadequate,
    there exists big potential, and from this perspective the visit of
    the delegation of the Swiss businessmen to Armenia is emphasized.

    In the name of the delegation thanking for the warm reception Guy
    Mettan, Chairman of the Switzerland-CIS Joint Chamber of Commerce and
    Industry, and deputy of Geneva Cantonal Parliament has highlighted
    the close relations that exist between the two countries. In his word,
    the delegation~Rs visit to Armenia aims at further deepening of those
    ties, especially further enlivening of cooperation in the economic and
    cultural spheres. He also highlighted the activity of Friendship Groups
    in the parliaments of Switzerland and Armenia, noting that gradually
    the economic component is given a big place in it. Guy Mettan has
    noted by opening of the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation to Armenia
    a new phase has begun in bilateral relations: it is characterized by
    establishing and strengthening especially economic and cultural ties.

    In the establishment of friendship and mutual trust between the two
    countries both sides the role of the Armenian community of Switzerland
    was stressed. It was noted with satisfaction that Luc Barthassat,
    member of Switzerland-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group, as well
    as business representatives of Swiss Armenian communities were a part
    of the delegation.

    Luc Barthassat noted that they were impressed by their visit to
    Armenia, productive meetings, from which they expect practical
    results. He said that this time they would not miss the opportunity
    to visit Nagorno Karabakh.

    In connection with this, the NA President welcomed the visit of
    Switzerland-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group paid recently to
    Nagorno Karabakh, which was a good opportunity to get acquainted with
    the situation on the spot and form an objective stance.

    The members of the delegation and the Armenia-Switzerland Parliamentary
    Friendship Group attending the meeting also presented their approaches
    in terms of bilateral relationship.
