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Cpj: Turkey's Press Freedom In Crisis

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  • Cpj: Turkey's Press Freedom In Crisis

    October 23, 2012

    Country is the world's leading jailer of journalists

    NEW YORK (CPJ)-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) this week
    issued a new report warning that the Turkish government is engaging in
    a broad offensive to silence critical journalists through imprisonment,
    legal prosecution, and official intimidation. As tensions between
    Turkey and Syria escalate, a choke on information and climate of fear
    could deter important, probing news coverage.

    Turkey is the world's leading jailer of journalists CPJ has identified
    76 journalists imprisoned in Turkey as of Aug. 1, 2012, making the
    country the leading jailer of journalists worldwide, surpassing Iran,
    Eritrea, and China. Following a case-by-case review, CPJ concluded
    that at least 61 journalists were being held in direct relation to
    their work, the highest figure globally in the last decade.

    "As a rising regional and global power, Turkey's economic and political
    success should be matched by respect for the universal right to freely
    exchange news, information, and ideas," said CPJ Executive Director
    Joel Simon. "Turkey's tendency to equate critical journalism with
    terrorism is not justified by the country's security concerns.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan should cease his attacks on the
    press and instead provide justice for journalists while pursuing
    reforms that guarantee freedom of expression."

    CPJ's 53-page report, which is also available in Turkish, features
    letters sent from imprisoned journalists and even government responses
    to CPJ inquiries. In addition, the report details the case of each
    journalist jailed in Turkey, made possible through CPJ interviews
    with their defense lawyers and review of public records. Some key
    findings and recommendations from the report are listed below.

    Key findings

    Turkey was holding 76 journalists in prison as of Aug. 1. At least 61
    of these journalists were jailed in direct relation to their published
    work or newsgathering activities. CPJ continues to investigate the
    15 other cases to determine whether the journalists were imprisoned
    for their work.

    Approximately 30 percent of the imprisoned journalists were accused
    of participating in anti-government plots or being members of outlawed
    political groups.

    About 70 percent of those jailed were Kurdish journalists charged
    with aiding terrorism by covering the views and activities of the
    banned Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Union of Communities in
    Kurdistan (KCK).

    More than three-quarters of the imprisoned journalists have not been
    convicted of a crime but are being held as they await resolution of
    their cases.

    Articles in the penal code give authorities wide berth to use
    journalists' professional work to link them to banned political
    movements or alleged plots. Some of the most frequently used articles
    criminalize basic newsgathering activities, such as talking to security
    officials or obtaining documents. Up to 5,000 criminal cases were
    pending against journalists at the end of 2011, according to Turkish
    press freedom groups.

    A 2007 internet law codified Turkey's ad hoc filtering, permitting
    whole websites to be blocked at the ISP level. CPJ found increased
    filtering of domestic news sources, including opposition and
    pro-Kurdish media that local experts consider unlawful even under
    Turkey's expansive internet censorship regulations and runs contrary
    to international press freedom standards.

    Key recommendations

    The Turkish government should release all imprisoned journalists held
    on the basis of journalistic activities; halt the criminal prosecution
    of journalists in connection with their reporting and commentary;
    and end the practice of jailing journalists for prolonged periods as
    they await trial or a court verdict.

    Prime Minister Erdogan should stop filing defamation complaints
    against critical journalists, publicly deprecating such journalists,
    and pressuring critical news outlets to tone down coverage.

    The government must-in consultation with local press freedom
    groups-fundamentally and comprehensively reform all laws used
    routinely against the press, including provisions in the penal code
    and anti-terror law that criminalize newsgathering and publishing
    critical or opposing views.

    Turkey should reform laws and regulations governing the internet
    to bring them in line with international standards for freedom of

    The Council of Europe should hold Turkey accountable under the
    European Convention on Human Rights and demand substantive changes
    in the government's legislation and policies so that they comply with
    European and international human rights standards.

    The United States must engage Turkish leaders on press freedom and
    freedom of expression in bilateral and multilateral meetings, and U.S.

    leaders should insist on Turkey's compliance with international
    standards for freedom of the press and freedom of expression as a
    basis for continued strategic cooperation.

    CPJ is a New York-based, independent, non-profit organization that
    works to safeguard press freedom worldwide. To learn more, visit
