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Diasporan Youth Urge President Sargsyan To Halt Teghout Mine

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  • Diasporan Youth Urge President Sargsyan To Halt Teghout Mine

    11:55, October 24, 2012

    On the weekend of October 13, at an AYF Eastern Region senior seminar
    themed "Project Armenia", AYF Seniors signed a letter addressed
    to President Serzh Sargsyan, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, and
    the Vallex Corporation. The letter, reproduced below along with a
    selection of signatures, calls on the parties to cease the illegal
    mining operations going on in Teghout forest unless and until a fair
    and non-biased Environmental Impact Assessment is conducted.

    President Serzh Sargsyan Office of the President of the Republic of
    Armenia 26 Baghramian Avenue Yerevan, Republic of Armenia 0077

    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan Government House 1 Yerevan, Republic
    of Armenia 0010

    Dear Mr. President and Mr. Prime Minister,

    We are a group of youth activists in the diaspora, members of the
    Armenian Youth Federation of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    of the Eastern Region of the United States. We are writing to you
    to discuss a matter which is of urgent concern to us as members of
    the Armenian nation, regarding the mining operations going on in
    Teghut forest.

    As you know, the January 25, 2012 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe Declaration No. 503 found that these operations, and the
    manner in which they were approved by the Government of Armenia,
    are in violation of domestic and international laws and agreements.

    The issue demands immediate attention, but cases brought in Armenian
    courts have been procedural bases without attention to the substance of
    the claims. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIP) which purportedly
    enumerated and calculated the harms which would be caused by the mining
    is deeply flawed and information disseminated based on it is likewise
    false. The damage being done to Teghut is final - it cannot be undone.

    The benefits of mining in Teghout in this manner have not been
    demonstrated by data or sound evidence to an extent that it is shown
    to be efficient and a good decision economically and environmentally.

    While the mine may create jobs, they will be temporary. The mining
    and taxing fees are not enough to outweigh the costs of ecological
    loss, deterioration of health and loss of future opportunities the
    land may present in the future.

    The Government of Armenia has a responsibility to exercise careful
    foresight in the expending of Armenia's resources. Future generations
    must not be deprived for the sake of temporary economic gains today.

    With this letter, we formally request that a new, independent and
    transparent Environmental Impact Assessment be conducted in order to:

    1. Comply with domestic and international laws

    2. Determine and present an accurate analysis of the environmental
    impact of the Teghout mining operations

    3. Address the potential public health impacts of the Teghout mining

    4. Take alternative development options to mining into consideration
    (such as eco-tourism) as required by Armenian law

    5. Restore public faith and trust in government

    If the mining can be justified, then the information should be
    presented in a transparent, accessible and well-documented manner. The
    conclusion should be based on independent economic, environmental
    and legal analysis. The public should be allowed input, and their
    and our voices taken into consideration.

    Until a new EIP is conducted and a justified decision is made,
    international best practice indicates that the mining should be
    suspended, due to its potentially dangerous consequences.

    As young Armenians who feel invested in the future of the Republic of
    Armenia, we are passionate about taking any opportunities we can to
    voice our opinions. Members of the Diaspora are involved in actions
    taken on behalf of Teghout in Armenia and outside the Republic.

    We look forward to receiving your response to this letter within
    10 business days. You may respond to our request by writing to
    [email protected] .

    Respectfully yours,

    The undersigned.

    October 15, 2012
