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Baku: Gulargate Grows As Ahmadova Threatens Ruling Party Members Wit

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  • Baku: Gulargate Grows As Ahmadova Threatens Ruling Party Members Wit


    Oct 14 2012

    BAKU. October 14, 2012. The scandal with the former leading member
    of Azerbaijani parliament from ruling YAP party Gular Ahmadova seems
    to be growing. She was shown on a hidden cam video recently posted
    online asking for a million dollar bribe for securing someone a seat
    in parliament. The second video on the same subject, has her making
    statements that directly implicate President Ilham Aliyev, his wife
    Mehriban Aliyeva, head of presidential administration Ramiz Mehdiyev
    and other high officials in election fraud and bribery scheme. Now Ms.

    Ahmadova has appealed to President Ilham Aliyev asking to protect
    her from the attacks by her party members. She placed a call to
    the President on her page on Facebook in a message that can only be
    described as a threat of blackmail against her fellow ruling party

    Ahmadova recalls that after the recording of her conversation with the
    former Rector Elshad Abdullayev and start of the criminal proceedings
    in that regard, she voluntarily gave up the parliamentary mandate to
    help avoid problems for the investigation. "After that, I promised
    not to make any statement to the media and the public. However,
    subsequent observations have shown that some of my colleagues began to
    pour insults, slander and fabrications. Every day I began to receive
    insults addressed to me. Thus, these people hinder the investigation
    and try to steer it in the wrong direction," writes Ahmadova.

    She stated that she would not continue to tolerate it and also
    threatens to "start talking." "I will not tolerate insults to my
    address, and appeal to these people and say, do not do it so that
    I have to open my mouth. If I speak, those who waters insults on me
    will greatly regret it," warned Ahmadova.

    "In conclusion, Mr. President, I am turning to you, saying that the
    investigation of the criminal case, which is under your control,
    has not completed yet, but members of the party led by you speak with
    offensive statements about me and threaten me with expelling me from
    my own party. I'm not an MP now. As a woman and mother, I ask you
    to protect me and my family from the physical and moral repression,"
    Ahmadova wrote.

    Two days ago, Ahmadova on her page on Facebook also posted a message
    making fun of those who in the early days toughly condemned her
    actions, and then had to shut up. Many saw this as a response to
    an attack against Gular Ahmadova by the executive secretary of the
    ruling party New Azerbaijan Ali Ahmadov (no family relation to Gular

    Ali Ahmadov and other senior functionaries of the ruling party were
    behind the drive to excludet Gular Ahmadova the YAP party, and some
    of them demanded her arrest. (Turan) mid=42
