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Baku: Georgia Intends Intensifying Relations With Azerbaijan

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  • Baku: Georgia Intends Intensifying Relations With Azerbaijan


    Oct 24 2012

    A balanced regional policy to provide Georgia with the function to
    unite Caucasian interest is contained in the government programme
    entitled 'For a strong, democratic, united Georgia'.

    It is being discussed by new members of the government in parliamentary
    committees and factions.

    The voting on new government staff will be held in Parliament on
    October 25.

    According to the programme, firstly Georgia intends to intensify
    its relations with Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey to express the
    Caucasian interests.

    Georgia will also seek to establish a dialogue with Russia by using
    the international mechanisms.

    The future government stressed that the priorities of Georgia's foreign
    policy is a desire to join the EU, the Euro-Atlantic orientation
    and integration into NATO. Contributing to international military
    operations is considered as one of essential components of protecting
    national interests. The U.S is mentioned as Georgia's key ally in
    the government's programme.

    "Georgia with its peacekeeping policy will become a reliable and
    predictable partner of the international community," the programme

    The future Georgian government thinks that one of the conditions to
    facilitate a comprehensive settlement of the conflicts is strengthening
    democratic institutions and public diplomacy.

    "It is necessary to start the negotiations on security assurances,"
    the new government's programme said. "Their mechanism must be created
    in the format of the OSCE and the UN."

    It is planned to change the principles of Abkhazia's and South
    Ossetia's governments' activity operating in Tbilisi.

    Earlier leader of the Georgian Dream coalition which won the recent
    parliamentary elections, Bidzina Ivanishvili proposed candidates for
    ministers in the new Georgian government.

    Ivanishvili intends to become prime minister.
