Oct 24 2012
Armen Smbatyan: "We will try to hold this meeting by the end of
this year"
Moscow. Farid Akberov - APA. Azerbaijani and Armenian media chiefs
plan to meet in Russia's capital within the framework of humanitarian
initiative to bring closer the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities
with the view of supporting the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, former Armenian ambassador to Russia, Director of the
Intergovernmental Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS Armen
Smbatyan told APA's Moscow bureau.
According to him, such meetings help to bring closer the communities
of the two countries: "We will try to hold this meeting by the end of
this year. We organize the meeting of media chiefs, as they have more
information. They are closer to the society. We must help to establish
atmosphere of confidence in the societies of the two countries."
The recent meeting was held at the editorial office of "Rossiyskaya
qazeta" on June 4. The meetings are being held on the initiative
of Russian President's Special Envoy for International Cultural
Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy.
Oct 24 2012
Armen Smbatyan: "We will try to hold this meeting by the end of
this year"
Moscow. Farid Akberov - APA. Azerbaijani and Armenian media chiefs
plan to meet in Russia's capital within the framework of humanitarian
initiative to bring closer the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities
with the view of supporting the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, former Armenian ambassador to Russia, Director of the
Intergovernmental Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS Armen
Smbatyan told APA's Moscow bureau.
According to him, such meetings help to bring closer the communities
of the two countries: "We will try to hold this meeting by the end of
this year. We organize the meeting of media chiefs, as they have more
information. They are closer to the society. We must help to establish
atmosphere of confidence in the societies of the two countries."
The recent meeting was held at the editorial office of "Rossiyskaya
qazeta" on June 4. The meetings are being held on the initiative
of Russian President's Special Envoy for International Cultural
Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoy.