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Armenian Society Is Tired Of The Same Politicians

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  • Armenian Society Is Tired Of The Same Politicians


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    Oct 24 2012

    Interview by David Stepanyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    The leader of "New Times", the presidential candidate Aram Karapetyan,
    in an interview to Vestnik Kavkaza indicates the reasons for the
    political persecution of Vardan Oskanian and the interests of the West
    and Russia in the upcoming presidential elections in the republic on
    18 February 2013.

    - How do you see the cause of the "Oskanian case"? Can I say that as
    a result of this political order, Oskanian lost the chance of becoming
    a presidential candidate?

    - Starting with the deprivation of immunity, all the events taking
    place around former foreign minister Oskanian are a political game,
    with three scenarios. I suppose in the first scenario the Armenian
    authorities are promoting Oskanian's candidacy as a rival to the
    current president Serzh Sargsyan, so that subsequently Oskanian
    easily recognizes the victory of the incumbent president. The fact
    is that Oskanian is too vulnerable and easy to reproach by his share
    of responsibility for the tragic events of 1 March 2008, and it has
    undoubtedly played a role in the choice of officials. I can also
    assume that by using the fuss around Oskanian "Prosperous Armenia"
    is trying to enlist the support of opposition voters, presenting
    its own candidate. The third version of the game is related to
    the super-powers, including Russia and the U.S.. Oskanian is a
    pro-Western politician, and "Prosperous Armenia" declares itself as a
    pro-Russian party; respectively, either PAP or Oskanian should change
    their orientation, but it is not yet clear who will do this. I note
    that, objectively, Sargsyan today has very bad odds for re-election,
    but based on the experience of past elections it is clear that, in
    principle, it is not difficult to draw some figures in the elections
    in Armenia. In this case, a priori, under equal initial conditions
    Sargsyan will lose to any normal candidate at the start. Accordingly,
    in order to regularly reproduce, the authorities need specific
    technologies aimed at enlisting the support of "Prosperous Armenia"
    in the upcoming presidential election.

    - What will the support of the PAP give to the Republicans?

    - First of all, this is the ability to draw on the results of the
    election the figures that are more or less close to reality, because
    without the support of the "Prosperous Armenia" drawing this figure
    will be difficult. Today we see the situation of the country, as a
    result of the inadequacy of the authorities, and the level of public
    trust in government. In these circumstances, the support of the PAP
    will let the Republicans once again share their responsibility for
    the drawn numbers in the presidential election with it, providing a
    particular argument for this. Considering "the Oskanian case" from
    a legal point of view, everybody will understand that this is just
    a bubble, therefore, pre-election machinations in the occurrence
    of this case are obvious. It is obvious that if Oskanian nominates
    his candidacy, it will be clear that he does so with the permission
    of Serge Sargsyan. That is, in any case, this option is flawed and
    has no political scientific value. In any case, understanding that
    for the next presidency Serzh Sargsyan will need a pro-Western
    candidate presents itself both in Yerevan and in Moscow, because
    Serge Sargsyan cannot beat a pro-Russian candidate. But beating a
    pro-Western candidate is possible, especially given the tradition
    to portray any opposition candidate as Westerners and then to "beat"
    him in the election by massive fraud. It is possible that a similar
    scenario is being prepared for Oskanian.

    - Yes, but can we call President Sargsyan a pro-Russian politician,
    given his penchant for "euro-repair"?

    - I think that the main problem is not the point, because the
    Kremlin's manner of working with governments in the post-Soviet space
    is clearly not justified, given that in virtually all countries of the
    CIS the forces coming to power are largely westernized. Accordingly,
    maintaining continuity in the geopolitical policies and the impact of
    the superpowers in the country requires working with all political
    parties, and not just with the government. And today in Armenia,
    Moscow faces a problem generated by this attitude. Yes, there
    is the military-political component of the strategic partnership
    between Armenia and Russia, but in all other respects, we have become
    pro-Western. Yes, there are pragmatic politicians trying to build good
    relations with Moscow and Brussels, but no one including "Prosperous
    Armenia" has an ideological affinity with Moscow. In this case, the
    main problem of the Armenian opposition in today's circumstances
    is inconsistency in their actions, respectively, in the current
    circumstances it is unlikely to be able to come to an agreement on a
    single candidate in the election of 2013. Therefore, the opposition in
    Armenia can win elections only with a candidate who has an extremely
    rigid, radical, uncompromising position. Unfortunately, there are no
    such politicians in Armenia, and everyone is tied to each other by
    mutual agreements, and in some cases by compromising information.

    Accordingly, it can be concluded that Armenian society wants to see at
    the helm of power politicians whom people have never seen there. We
    are tired of the same people and, as a result, if we want such a
    candidate to win in any election in the country we need to change
    the entire political system of elite relationships.

    - But in Armenia, there are politicians that previously stood at
    the helm, but they do not have any power today. Robert Kocharian,
    for example...

    - Robert Kocharian may run in the upcoming election if there will be
    the external demand and the political order for this. So far, there
    is no such demand, because changes in Armenia scheduled from outside
    will be carried out by other people who have the chance to do that
    well in excess of the political possibilities of Kocharian. Beginning
    in 2008, the entire PR of Kocharian is built on his friendship with
    Russian President Vladimir Putin and on the fact that in the years
    of his presidency people supposedly lived better. But when viewed
    objectively, the situation in Armenia remains unsatisfactory.

    - But may the opportunities of Kocharian be sufficient for the

    - I do not see any realistic scenario and with the appointment of the
    Prime Minister Kocharian, because the ex-president, according to the
    information I have already, has said that, while Serge Sargsyan was
    prime minister under his presidency, there cannot be any opposite
    situation. So I think that the current situation suits Kocharian,
    especially given that at the time of his presidency he became one
    of the founders of the criminal-oligarchic system in Armenia. The
    same can be said of Levon Ter-Petrosian, who also feels quite
    at ease. In this context, there is an inexorable necessity of
    creating new opportunities for new political forces, capable and
    most importantly, willing to break the current vicious system and to
    create a new normal system of power formation and governance. In my
    view, whether the authorities want it or not, they will not survive
    for a long time at the helm, even if they are able to survive in the
    upcoming presidential election. Under the current political system,
    to my great regret, this can be done only by the rebellion.

    - What are the main challenge now facing Armenia?

    - The main challenge facing Armenia, which cannot be overcome, is a
    challenge to economic development of the country. Today the situation
    in this area continues to be extremely disappointing. Another important
    challenge is a gradual degradation of the Armenian population that
    results in fraudulent elections, the presence of sects and other
    unsightly conditions. I believe that the solutions to all these
    problems are interconnected and are embedded in the inadequacy of
    the authorities. In this case, I do not believe that the notorious
    European integration will help prevent acts of force majeure scenario
    in Armenia. I mean bloodless change of power in a normal, civilized
    way. Country's relations with the European Union do not lead to
    qualitative changes; the Armenians are not Europeanizing - on the
    contrary, they are degrading. In this case, it happens not because of
    the notorious European integration, but because in Armenia there are
    processes which Europe cannot influence. It is not even able to deal
    with the situation in the Member States - in Greece, Spain, Portugal,
    etc. So Europe clearly has nothing to do with us, and for real, not
    declarative integration into the EU an understanding of the world in
    the political, economic and legal aspects must be built in Armenia,
    without rushing into the EU in the form in which the republic exists.

    The processes taking place in our country cannot be changed by only
    external factors; we need internal forces, factors and motivation.
