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Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Comments On Mexican Monuments

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  • Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Comments On Mexican Monuments

    Oct 24 2012
    NY received the following statement from Azerbaijan's
    Foreign Ministry in connection with a piece we posted October 23 in
    Tamada Tales, titled Armenia, Azerbaijan: Face-Off in Mexico Over el
    Nagorno-Karabaj. The text of the Foreign Ministry statement follows:

    I was bewildered to read your blog item published on
    entitled "Armenia, Azerbaijan: Face-Off in Mexico Over el
    Nagorno-Karabaj". The article attempts to provide a one-sided and
    distorted depiction of the situation surrounding Azerbaijani monuments
    in Mexico City. The so-called public protests mentioned in the article
    are nothing but provocative acts by the Armenian diaspora in Mexico
    that are sponsored by Mr. Sarukhan, due to his Armenian ethnicity. It
    seems that Republic of Armenia and the Armenian diaspora have launched
    a campaign against Azerbaijani monuments.

    To make things clearer, I should remind that the decisions to build
    the two monuments were approved by the Mexico City authorities and all
    works have been carried out in line with the applicable regulations.

    And it is with a sense of gratitude to the Mexican people I should
    underline that Mexico is one of the countries which has officially
    recognized the Khojaly genocide. It is therefore understandable why
    Armenian diaspora in Mexico is so keen to distort the story as they
    fear statues like the Khojaly monument can eventually show the war
    crimes perpetrated by Armenian armed forces to the Mexican and wider
    international community.

    The two monuments do not in any way cause discomfort to the wider
    public of Mexico City. They are located in places where ordinary people
    come and rest. The so-called protesters do not represent the wider
    general public of Mexico City but are a handful of Armenian diaspora
    based in Mexico. They cannot speak on behalf of the general public
    in Mexico. We view this as an intentionally organized PR campaign
    aimed to damage the friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Mexico.

    The Government of the Republic of Armenia, which has nothing to offer
    to regional cooperation, has decided to spoil the future of the region
    by its destructive activities. All these activities do not contribute
    to the regional development and peace and further damage the prospects
    of the peace process.

    Office of Spokesperson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of

    From: A. Papazian