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Tigran And Taron Should Drive Buses

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  • Tigran And Taron Should Drive Buses


    Story from News:
    Published: 14:23:07 - 26/10/2012

    On October 25 the issue of jobs was discussed during the meeting
    of government. Prime Minister Sargsyan expressed concern about the
    shortage of qualified personnel. He thinks this shortage slows down
    the development of IT. The chemical company of Vanadzor states that
    it needs 150 workers and therefore is unable to launch its work. Mayor
    Margaryan announced that they need 300 people for buses for a monthly
    salary of 80,000 drams.

    Tigran Sargsyan has stated that the shortage of qualified personnel
    is serious and lack of progress may lead to grave consequences.

    Armenia certainly faces a shortage of labor. And this shortage has
    different reasons. For example, Taron Margaryan invites 300 people
    and offers them 80,000 drams a month which is about 200 dollars. Now
    would Taron Margaryan agree to work for 80,000 drams if he were not
    a businessman and the mayor and did not have several houses and cars?

    And how many hours and under what conditions will those people have to
    drive a bus in such terrible traffic as is in Yerevan? How much should
    their return be? Very often there is labor and qualified personnel
    but there are no more or less acceptable conditions. A person driving
    a bus for 80,000 drams a month may soon have a nervous breakdown due
    to the traffic, working conditions and his daily return target.

    It is a fact that there is a shortage of qualified personnel in
    Armenia. In addition, the shortage is especially an urgent issue
    for the public administration system where ministers do not have a
    proper education and are not used to thinking and all they can utter
    is some phrases from textbooks and lectures which often have nothing
    to do with life in Armenia. Evidence to this is the frequent need of
    serious review of draft legislation worked out in different ministries
    with both professional and orthographic shortcomings.

    Why do unqualified personnel appear in public administration? Because
    there is no qualified personnel or because not all the qualified
    personnel are children of rich daddies and can work in the state
    system to enjoy the fruits of their own businesses and use their
    state service to multiply those fruits?

    The point is that qualified personnel require adequate conditions. One
    of the important attributes of professionalism is self-esteem. It
    means that qualified personnel require adequate conditions.

    Moreover, if attractive conditions are offered, people will even
    borrow money to get training and compete for jobs.

    The behavior of companies is also a problem. In Armenia very few
    companies can organize professional training at least for their own
    personnel needs.

    Tigran Sargsyan noted shortage of IT specialists. Heads of IT companies
    also say so. On the other hand, we can often hear that Armenia has an
    IT potential because we have a human resource so we are not supposed
    to have a shortage of human resource. However, most professionals
    are offered high paid jobs abroad. Hence, if local companies are
    not competitive with foreign companies in terms of remuneration,
    they should think of other mechanisms to become competitive in other
    ways. These mechanisms may be effective, because people may prefer
    living in their home country to high salaries abroad.

    The general atmosphere in the country also matters. A lot of people
    prefer a low salary abroad to remaining in their home country. This
    is another issue and a wider topic. But this contingent is not big
    and the issue requires a solution at another level.

    As to qualified personnel, it is possible to sum up with a reference
    to the correlation of demand and supply which might not be fully
    applicable to this case but may describe the general situation
    in Armenia.
