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Government Raises Minimum Wage By $6, Opposition Calls Such Rise "mo

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  • Government Raises Minimum Wage By $6, Opposition Calls Such Rise "mo

    By Naira Hayrumyan


    The Armenian parliament on Thursday passed in the first reading a
    bill amending the law "On the minimum monthly salary."

    Under the new legislation, from January 1, 2013 the minimum wage will
    be 35,000 drams (about $86) per month instead of the current 32,500
    drams (a rise by about $6).

    Only 65 members of the 131-seat body (all representing the two
    coalition parties) voted for the legislation, with seven voting against
    it and 25 members abstaining. Almost all factions of the parliament
    said that a rise by 2,500 drams will not change anything in the wallets
    of citizens, even though Minister of Finance Vache Gabrielyan said
    that this money still would count in people's "consumer basket".

    Opposition Heritage faction leader Ruben Hakobyan said that even with
    this increase the minimum wage would still be nearly half as much
    as the subsistence wage without inflation pressures considered. Head
    of the opposition Armenian National Congress's faction in parliament
    Levon Zurabyan said that they'd vote against the bill: "Our faction
    presented a bill to raise the salary to 72,500 (about $180). The bill
    proposed by the government is a mockery of the people."

    Secretary of the Heritage faction Zaruhi Postanjyan also said that
    such a raise was "humiliating". "Our citizens have pride. The minimum
    wage should be at least 60,000 drams (about $148)," she said.

    Armenian Revolutionary Federation MP Artsvik Minasyan reminded that
    his faction had suggested determining the minimum wage in accordance
    with the law on the state budget, linking its size to inflation, the
    minimum consumer basket and the average wage. However, the government
    and the parliament rejected the proposal.

    Head of the ruling Republican Party's parliamentary faction Galust
    Sahakyan said that "you can't, of course, live off 35,000 drams" and
    that it would be better if the salary was different. "If our opponents
    vote against it, they'd vote for the salary to remain at the current
    level, if they vote for it, this is something intolerable for the
    opposition," he said. He, at the same time, noted that if the ruling
    party gives in and accepts the opposition's proposal to double the
    minimum wage, it will also have to bear the responsibility for that.

    The average monthly salary in Armenia estimated for August 2012 was
    121,065 drams (about $295), which was 4.1 percent lower than in July.

    Wages in August 2012 as compared to August 2011 increased by 6.6

    However, low wages apparently become an obstacle to economic
    development. Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said during a government
    meeting on Thursday that Armenia has encountered "structural

    "The sphere of information technologies sets this problem to us... It
    turns out that activities in the sphere are imperiled because of a
    shortage of specialists. The industry is growing by 15-20 percent a
    year, the number of enterprises has reached 300, and we still have
    few specialists," said Sargsyan.

    "They can't find workers even for 5,000-7,000 drams (about $12-17)
    a day. There is a shortage of workforce in the chemical industry,
    in town halls," said the head of the Armenian government.

    Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan also said that the transport company
    at the City Hall as well as the gardening and sanitation department
    at the municipality also need at least 300 employees. The average
    salary in such jobs, as Margaryan said, is 80,000 drams (about $200).

    Prime Minister Sargsyan instructed the economy minister to conduct
    an analysis and make job cuts increasing productivity and wages.
