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Aghazarian: What It Is To Be A Human Being

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  • Aghazarian: What It Is To Be A Human Being


    The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
    Oct 25 2012

    Connectedness was a theme for some of the 2012 International
    Peacemakers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)s Peacemaking Program,
    and it certainly characterized much of Arda Aghazarians visit to the
    United States.

    The East Jerusalem resident felt a special kinship while spending
    time in community with others, especially Armenians in California
    because her own roots are in Armenia.

    Some of the most meaningful moments were being part of communities,
    she said. It was something unexpected.

    Aghazarian is media and advocacy coordinator for the YWCA and
    supervisor of a project that encourages the implementation of United
    Nations Security Council Resolution 1325. The resolution deals
    with respecting womens rights during conflicts and supporting their
    participation in peace negotiations in the aftermath of conflict.

    She arrived in the States Sept. 25 and spent time in California,
    Tennessee and Missouri. Along with talks she gave at various churches
    and with members of the PC(USA), Aghazarian visited high schools,
    colleges and retirement homes.

    At Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., Aghazarian was a leader in
    residence and got an opportunity to be part of that community in a
    close way.

    As international peacemakers, Id like to think that we emphasized
    how connected we are, she said. Although the peacemakers hail from
    different parts of the world, we have the same mission and the
    same vision.

    The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program invites leaders from the
    denominations partner churches around the world to share their
    experiences as peacemakers in their own lands. This year, 15
    International Peacemakers were available to mid-councils, Presbyterian
    colleges and seminaries for itineration Sept. 21-Oct. 15.

    Someone remarked that you are consciousness-raising, Aghazarian said.
    It is important for us to emphasize the work that we are doing.

    Included among the issues she stressed was awareness of the Kairos
    Palestine Document, a view on the Israel-Palestine struggle through
    the lens of Christian Palestinians. People need to know about this
    document which comes directly from Christians in Palestine, the Holy
    Land, Aghazarian said.

    Since the documents release, the Kairos Palestine Document Study
    Guide also was prepared by the Middle East Monitoring Group that was
    mandated by the 219th General Assembly (2010) of the PC(USA).

    My message (while in the States) was that we think of identity as
    something that is simple, but its not, Aghazarian said. We must talk
    about what it is to be a human being. It should not be limited to
    our citizenship but rather the basics of what it means to be a human.

    Toya Richards, a student at Louisville Presbyterian Theological
    Seminary, writes frequently for Presbyterian News Service.

    From: Baghdasarian