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Armenia: Pre-Election Situation - 1

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  • Armenia: Pre-Election Situation - 1


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    Oct 26 2012

    David Stepanyan, Yeveran. Exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    According to information circulating in the Armenian parliament,
    the ruling Republican Party of Armenia will organize extra session in
    December, where its leader, President Serge Sargsyan, will be proposed
    to be a candidate in the presidential elections of 2013. The Central
    Election Committee hasn't defined the date of the elections yet,
    but most probably they will take place on February 18th.

    At the moment none of main candidates for presidentship hasn't stated
    officially on his intentions. Such a situation appears in the republic
    for the first time. The uncertainty was caused by absence of agreement
    between leading political parties - RPA and Prosperous Armenia.

    The closer the date of the elections, the more difficulties appear
    in relations of previous allies. Sargsyan and a probable rival from
    PA will compete also with several other politicians: leaders of the
    union National Self-Identity Parujr Airikyan and the party New Times
    Aram Karapetyan, the chairman of Peoples Party Tigran Karapetyan, the
    chairman of the opposition party Heritage Raffi Ovannosyan. After the
    July session, the leaders of Dashnaktsutyun also stated on possible
    presentation of their own candidate.

    Even today we can say that all these politicians will play no real
    role in the elections. Their task is to provide legitimization of the
    current authorities who prepare for next reproduction. The question
    whether the opposition will present a unified candidate is also acute.

    However, there are few chances for it.

    After first presidential elections in Armenia in 1991, a strange
    tradition appeared: to deal who will be next president ahead of
    elections. Elections only fixed agreements of interested sides.

    Previously the strategy of artificial competition between parties was
    effective and provided reproduction of the regime in various levels
    of power. Corruptive nature of Armenian politicans - pro-governmental
    and pseudo-opposition - caused the tendency when political forces
    separated from the society and began to lie their own life.

    It led to indifference of the society to political processes.

    Disorientation took place in the Armenian society: the majority of
    electorate doesn't trust the power and the opposition, preferring not
    to go to elections at all or spoil ballots. There were 54 thousand
    spoiled ballots in the parliamentary elections on May 6. 54 thousand
    voters and several hundred thousand citizens who ignored the elections
    are the best confirmation of indifference caused by political processes
    in Armenia.

    Really strong rivals for Sargsyan could be only his predecessors -
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan and Robert Kocharyan; however, observers exclude
    a possibility of their participation. Ter-Petrosyan is thought to be
    an active player of the Armenian politics, but it would be reasonable
    for him not to go to the elections as the ANC lost a significant part
    of its supporters after March 1st, 2008.

    Kocharyan has chances, but they are shadowy, as well as his whole
    activity in recent years. The chances are expressed in a moderate
    figure of Prosperous Armenia's chairman Gagik Tsarukyan. Nevertheless,
    Tsarukyan keeps silence and states no attitude to the elections. It
    seems he is waiting for somebody's decision. However, it is obvious
    that such a powerful force as Prosperous Armenia will do its part.

    To be continued.
