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Washington DC Indymedia: NSW Recognizes NKR

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  • Washington DC Indymedia: NSW Recognizes NKR

    New South Wales recognizes the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh

    - Editors, "Armenia" newspaper, Australia

    - 27 Oct 2012 02:41:00 PM

    Historically Armenian territory in Caucasus region achieves recognition of
    [image: Bako Sahakian.jpg]

    SYDNEY: The Legislative Council of the New South Wales Parliament adopted a
    resolution recognizing the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR/ Artsakh) and
    the right to self-determination of its Armenian people, who declared
    independence from an oppressive Azerbaijan 20 years ago.

    The motion, which was unanimously adopted on Thursday 25th October,
    acknowledges the 20th anniversary of independence for the Republic of
    Nagorno Karabakh. It supports the right to self-determination of its
    people, and it `calls on the Commonwealth Government [of Australia] to
    officially recognize the independence of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh
    and strengthen Australia's relationship with the Nagorno Karabakh and its

    `Nagorno Karabakh has been at the forefront of recent activities of the
    Armenian National Committee (ANC) of Australia. Today's result is a victory
    for all peoples who continue to remain oppressed under brutal regimes,'
    remarked ANC Australia Executive Director Vache Kahramanian.

    `The NSW Parliament has always been, and continues to be, a beacon of hope
    in upholding human rights. We thank all members of the Legislative Council
    for taking a stance to uphold the basic human right to self-determination.
    In particular we thank the Hon. Marie Ficarra MLC, who introduced the
    resolution to the Chamber of the Legislative Council, for her courageous

    ANC Australia Honorary Chairman Greg Soghomonian said: `The Republic of
    Nagorno Karabakh is now receiving the status it has long deserved - an
    independent, democratic republic. This is a significant milestone for the
    global Armenian community.

    The full text of the motion can be read below.

    1. That this House notes that 2012 marks the twentieth anniversary of the
    declaration of independence of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    2. That this House:

    (a) acknowledges the importance of the basic human right to
    self-determination and a free and a democratic society,

    (b) recognizes the right to self-determination of all peoples including
    those of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh,

    (c) notes Nagorno-Karabakh's sustained efforts towards creating a free and
    democratic society through the use of legitimate parliamentary elections
    and its continued efforts to develop a responsible government,

    (d) supports and encourages Nagorno-Karabakh's involvement within the
    international community and further encourages its engagement with the
    international community to reach a solution to the existing regional
    problems to establish peace and stability,

    (e) encourages peaceful relations and the continued promotion of
    humanitarian and economic support for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh; and

    (f) calls on the Commonwealth Government to officially recognize the
    independence of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and strengthen Australia's
    relationship with the Nagorno-Karabakh and its citizens.

    Caption: The President of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR), Bako
    Sahakyan, personally extended his gratitude on behalf of his nation to the
    state of New South Wales.

    For further details about NKR, visit:

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