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Beware New Bloodshed

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  • Beware New Bloodshed

    Beware New Bloodshed

    Haik Aramyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 17:35:49 - 27/10/2012

    October 27, March 1, other `smaller' tragedies mark the modern history
    of Armenia since independence and are part of the political scramble.
    Every electoral stage except for the past two parliamentary elections
    ended up in a tragedy. The reasons should be sought in internal and
    foreign developments, the characteristics of the Armenian political
    class, the activities of local and foreign stakeholders, namely

    The red line of Russia's factor passes through these tragedies. The
    opinion becomes dominant in the press and social-political circles
    that the Russian government and special services had a direct link to
    these tragedies.

    13 years ago the president of the National Assembly, the prime
    minister and other statesmen were killed in the National Assembly.
    Earlier Demirchyan and Sargsyan had visited the United States and
    reached important agreements with the American counterparts. However,
    the tragedy took place. The Kremlin's fool Leontief regularly stated
    in his show on the Russian TV channel that the terrorists were backed
    by Robert Kocharyan, and Putin said that Russia's friends were killed
    in Armenia. In fact, Kocharyan was blackmailed by Russia to grab all
    the infrastructures of Armenia in the framework of the outrageous
    Property for Debt program.

    Reflections on the tragedy of 1 March 2008 mention Russian special
    services every now and then. This time, unlike October 27, the
    Armenian media reported facts. However, since the relevant Armenian
    government agencies are Russia's branch offices, and the alternative
    opposition committee focuses on limiting March 1 to home affairs, it
    had no consequences, and no investigation was carried out. The same is
    about October 27.

    In addition, in both cases the identification of terrorists is almost
    impossible, which is also evidence to a direct external link.

    Certainly, this does not lift the issue of responsibility of the
    political class, including the opposition. The Armenian society need
    not use tragedies for the political scramble which enables the
    continuity of these tragedies. It is necessary to cut this vicious
    circle to avoid further tragedies.

    Ahead of the presidential election the Armenian political class should
    draw conclusions from the past and protect the country from such
    tragedies. This is a complicated issue, considering the political
    class, corruption, dependence, paralysis of the public administration
    system, lack of internal resource. However, the political class has a
    chance to leave with honor.

    The last parliamentary election allows hoping that there is a
    possibility. It was not an election, in fact, the Armenian government
    divided the parliament among those who could become a tool for foreign
    forces to cause instability in Armenia. Ahead of the presidential
    election the situation may get complicated because the issue of the
    new Armenian government, more than ever, has become a serious issue
    because serious geopolitical issues involve Armenia. This election
    will be the last in the transition period after which Armenia will
    step into a new geopolitical environment and will not be dependent on
    Russia. Russia understands this very well. The consequence is the
    nervous and offensive statements by Kremlin's fools Ambassador
    Kovalenko, Leontief and others to Armenia and the Armenian people.

    On the other hand, these statements are evidence that Russia is
    starting to understand something which the Armenians have not
    understood yet. Armenia used to depend on Russia while now Russia
    depends on Armenia. In addition, Armenia has nothing to lose while
    having lost Armenia Russia will face a geopolitical fiasco and the
    destiny of a third state.

    Considering this circumstance, Russia will try to retain Armenia. One
    way is the establishment of real partnership, equal relations. The
    other way is blackmail and terrorism, rough interference with internal

    The first way is psychologically difficult, almost impossible for the
    Russians. Armenia and the Armenians have been treated as slaves,
    stating that the Armenians preserved their identity thanks to the
    Russians. The second way is also complicated. Nothing else is left to
    buy in Armenia, the Armenians are already freeing their consciousness
    from the Russian myth which has been facilitated by the recent policy
    of the Russians, namely supply of weapon to Azerbaijan, the alliance
    with Turkey, reiteration of the Moscow agreement signed in March 1921,
    the intentions to return Karabakh to Azerbaijan etc. Besides, the
    political forces with Russian bias and the agents of influence have
    weakened and lost their face, being squeezed into the margin.

    Nevertheless, an effort is made to destabilize the situation through
    these forces, Prosperous Armenia and the Armenian National Congress.
    It should be noted that these forces enable this with their behavior.
    Prosperous Armenia must define clearly its political stance ahead of
    the presidential election. Current deliberation on PAP's participation
    in the election allows concluding that this huge and amorphous party
    may become a dangerous instrument. It is necessary to treat problems
    more seriously rather than shift the talk to a nonsensical discussion
    of keeping Tsarukyan's face, alternative, free and fair elections etc.
    It can be done later when a new political system is formed. Now it is
    necessary to make a fast decision or tp dissolve.

    Everyone will be blamed for a new bloodshed. And there will be no
    excuse. The political class has drawn itself into this situation when
    nobody believes their good intentions, and the urgent issue is to
    avoid a new bloodshed.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress