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Russian-Armenian Nationalism

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  • Russian-Armenian Nationalism

    Russian-Armenian Nationalism
    X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian
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    Vahram Martirosyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 15:47:41 - 27/10/2012

    On October 20 the famous Russian TV host Mikhail Leontief published an
    article entitled `Present Day Armenia Emerged Thanks to Russia' in the
    Odnako which is full of distorted historical facts and insult to our
    country. Hundreds of online comments followed the publication. With only a
    few exceptions they are in the spirit of imperialistic contempt often
    transforming into blunt hatred, adding to insult, barefaced lies.

    The answers of Armenian participants are reserved and argumentative.

    I wanted to respond but I could not choose where. The first option that
    came to my mind was to express my opinion on the same website. That one is
    surprised at the Russian blindness. Nobody likes Russians except for some
    Russians. Everyone who can leaves Russia. The number of tourists shrinks
    quickly. Russian women are viewed in many countries as an easily accessed
    commodity for marriage or sexual abuse, the name Natasha is used to
    describe a frivolous woman or simply a prostitute, and Carl Lagerfeld even
    announced last year in Moscow that Russian men are the ugliest men in the
    world and advised the most beautiful women in the world, the Russian women,
    to change their sexual orientation to rid of them.

    And now the Russian men (involving also women) are settling their accounts
    with immigrants from former Soviet provinces whose countries have a ruined
    economy and morale due to the failure of the Russian-Bolshevist political
    and economic project.

    The main idea of comments on the abovementioned article is that the
    Russians do not want to see the Armenians in their country. The Armenian
    authors of comments do not respond them. After all, they cannot tell their
    compatriots not to go to Russia because the latter cannot make both ends
    meet in their country. Others do but they want to live a better life.

    After a second thought I decided not to write anything in the wasp nest of
    Russian chauvinists where every idea would trigger ten times more delirium.
    Especially that unlike the Armenian optimists, including my friend Ara
    Shirinyan, having worked in Moscow recently I became convinced that
    Leontief's thinking is typical of the majority of Russians. Moreover, the
    article by Leontief, Putin's speakerphone, does not intend to discuss
    something to find out the truth but to send a message to Armenia to obey
    the Eurasian plan of restoring the USSR (even though we are disgusted by
    you) because you cannot survive without us.

    The first lesson from the publication in the Odnako is that we must ensure
    people's living in Armenia for them not to have to leave for Russia. With
    such a high rate of emigration the president must live at the airport, and
    the prime minister must live at the coach station to assure each and every
    departure that something will change in the country, and they will live
    better. However, the main lesson is the unchanging Russian colonialism
    which needs to be addressed. First, in the media. The Russian journalist
    wrote something somewhere we have access to. We can more or less respond to
    this. However, we are lucky he did not use TV. 13 years ago, after 27
    October 1999, during his show Leontief saw President Kocharyan behind the
    murderers. In Armenia it produced a strong reaction. Several more similar
    shows on the Russian TV channels would lead to Kocharyan's removal from
    power. However, it did not happen because Putin visited Armenia and
    supported him. The problem is not the extent to which Kocharyan was
    involved in that. The problem is that the Russian TV channel could change
    the president of Armenia through our unprotected air who a few years later
    gave Armenian companies to Russia in return for the debt. What debt was it?
    The interrupted show of Leontief? The Russians did not operate those
    companies, and the Armenian side did not demand that they fulfill their

    Leontief's article got a strong reaction in the Armenian Facebook and
    newspapers. Aram Abrahamyan said Russia should be the first to reject the
    Eurasian idea because they will bring nothing to the state and people
    except a bugbear. There is some irrationality in the continuous arguments
    of the Russian government which has been unfortunately typical of this
    state through different stages of its history. I think we should not only
    notice that irrationality but also take it into consideration when we take
    our steps. One of these steps is not to allow brainwash, and not to allow
    answer be heard only within the Armenian mountains. Especially that there
    is some other kind of irrationalism. `The most painful wound of the
    Armenian life is the Russian sentiment. Our proletariat expects only good
    things from the Russians, be it the monarch's stooge, a white or a red.'

    This is the alarmed statement of Prime Minister Hamazasp Ohanjanyan of the
    First Republic in 1920 when the Russians were to come and save the
    Armenians from extermination after pushing us to the verge of destruction.

    Situations like 1920, 27 October 1999 may repeat any time. Therefore, it is
    necessary to limit free broadcast of foreign TV channels, namely the
    speakerphones of the Russian neo-colonialism, as well as the basic cable TV
    packages such as U!TV Select where 15 out of 38 channels are Russian
    channels. Business interest should not be preferred to state interests.

    At the same time, everything must be done to free our TV channels from
    slavish psychology and cultural taste.

    From: A. Papazian