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Increasing majority of French eye Islam as threat

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  • Increasing majority of French eye Islam as threat

    Increasing majority of French eye Islam as threat

    October 27, 2012 - 12:45 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - An increasing majority of people in France believe
    Islam plays too influential a role in their society and almost half
    see Muslims as a threat to their national identity, according to a

    Reuters reported that the survey by pollster Ifop in Le Figaro
    newspaper showed that 60 percent of people believed that Islam was
    `too important' in France in terms of its influence and visibility, up
    from 55 percent two years ago.

    It found that 43 percent of respondents considered the presence of the
    Muslim community as a threat to their national identity, compared with
    just 17 percent who said it enriched society. Forty percent of those
    questioned were indifferent to the presence of Islam, Le Figaro said.

    The survey, carried out Oct 15-18 among 1,736 people, showed a growing
    resistance to the symbols of the Islamic faith. Some 43 percent of
    those questioned were opposed to more mosque building, up from 39
    percent in 2010.

    Sixty-three percent opposed Muslim women wearing the veil or Islamic
    headscarves in public, compared with 59 percent two years ago.
    Sarkozy's previous conservative banned the wearing of full-face veils.
