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`2500 AMD Are No Money,' About Increasing the Minimum Wage (Video)

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  • `2500 AMD Are No Money,' About Increasing the Minimum Wage (Video)

    `2500 AMD Are No Money,' About Increasing the Minimum Wage (Video)
    October 26, 2012 17:43

    Yesterday the legislative proposal of the Cabinet, according to which
    starting from January 1, 2013, the minimum wage in Armenia will be 35
    thousand AMD a month instead of the existing 32500 AMD, passed first
    reading. Thus, the bill on amendments to the Minimum Monthly Wage Act
    was approved. carried out a small survey among some
    citizens of the Republic of Armenia to find out whether they were
    pleased with the fact that the Cabinet was going to increase the
    minimum wage by 2500 AMD. The majority of citizens who talked to us
    complained, since according to them, that small increase didn't
    correspond to the increase in prices.

    We present the opinions of citizens without editing. One of them
    expressed the following idea, `They have increased the wage, but how
    much have the prices of goods increased? If the Cabinet members are
    paid that wage, will they live on that?'

    Another citizen noted, `2500 AMD is a small sum, it is less than one
    spends in one day. It will not help the people in any way.'

    Some citizens said that the increase wouldn't affect them, since they
    were not government workers.

    One of our interlocutors said, `I am not pleased, the Cabinet should
    have increased the wage more. If an MP can live on 40 thousand, then I
    am satisfied. Or, if an MP is paid 600.000 AMD and it is not enough
    for him and he starts a business, how can a pensioner or someone who
    lives on the minimum wage live?'

    Another citizen said, `I don't know anything about the wage. I don't
    know how much people get, but the increase in prices affects us. 2500
    AMD are no money, it is the cost of a pack of cigarettes, a lighter.
    They should have increased by at least 30-40 thousand....'

    One of citizens said the following, `Certainly, that increase is not
    enough. The people are not in a good condition as it is to live on
    that sum? No matter how much they increase, it will not satisfy the
    needs of people, particularly the youth. And if we compare ourselves
    with other countries, the wage should correspond to the other
    countries' one too. I certainly work, but I will retire and what
    pension will I get...?'

