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Ellis Island Medal Of Honor Recipient Papken Megerian Honored In Pen

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  • Ellis Island Medal Of Honor Recipient Papken Megerian Honored In Pen

    October 29, 2012 12:08 pm

    WYNNEWOOD, Penn. - On Friday, September 28, the Armenian community
    of Philadelphia came together, at a reception hosted by St. Sahag & St.

    Mesrob Armenian Church, to honor Papken Megerian, one of the 2012
    Ellis Island Medal of Honor recipients, acknowledging their pride in
    an immigrant whose service to the Armenian community, in the US and
    abroad, spans several decades.

    Parish Council Vice Chair Mark Gulasarian welcomed the 200 guests
    gathered for the occasion and expressed his appreciation to Megerian
    for all of his efforts on behalf of the parish. He shared some
    highlights of Megerian's devotion to the Armenian community and
    acknowledged both Papken and his wife, Anahid, reflecting back on their
    50 years of marriage as an inspiration to the community and stating,
    "If Papken could, he would cut the medal in half and give the other
    half to Anahid."

    Sonia Kailian Placido, Papken Megerian's niece, shed some light on
    the personal influence that her uncle has had in her life. She, along
    with her two sisters and brother, was raised by a single mother. Her
    three uncles became surrogate fathers to them and "Papken Keri" was
    omnipresent in their lives as they were growing up. He was always
    ready, willing and able to give of his time.

    Her uncle, she said, "is a man who thrives on helping others. Call
    it good or bad, but he never says no."

    "It wasn't until I got older and had my own family that I was really
    able to appreciate the true generosity of my uncle . . . and that
    of his wife and children for their willingness to share him. His
    involvement in numerous organizations and philanthropies still boggles
    my mind - how does he make time for it all? Passion. Simply put, he is
    a passionate man - passionate for each and every aspect of his life,
    whether it be family, church, work, or charity."

    Her biggest thanks were reserved for Papken Megerian's efforts
    on behalf of the Armenian Mirror-Spectator. "My husband Jeff, I
    think, holds the title for the non-Armenian who reads the Armenian
    Mirror-Spectator front to back, inside and out, each and every week,
    throughout the year. In fact, were it not for Jeff pointing out the
    latest pictures or stories of Papken in the paper, I wouldn't be
    aware of half of his accomplishments."

    She concluded her remarks by congratulating him on his award: "The
    Ellis Island Medal of Honor is awarded to distinguished American
    citizens who exemplify a life dedicated to community service; people
    who preserve and celebrate the history, traditions and values of
    their ancestry and who dedicate themselves to creating a better
    world for us all. Such powerful words, and I couldn't think of a more
    deserving man."

    Guests were then treated to a performance by 14-year-old Elise
    Dadourian, a member of the parish Sunday School and an aspiring singer.

    Dadourian has just released a new single, American Made, written by
    her manager/mentor Dan May, who joined her on stage to perform the
    song, which is about the important contribution immigrants made to
    20th-century America.

    Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian, former pastor of the parish and longtime
    friend of the Megerian family, shared his feelings on the occasion and
    the Very Rev. Oshagan Gulgulian, parish pastor shared his feelings as
    well. "The community is very proud to have such a distinguished servant
    as Papken Megerian in our midst and we congratulate both Papken and
    Anahid Megerian on the celebration of their golden anniversary this
    past year."

    Papken Megerian grew up in Aleppo, Syria and is the son of Armenian
    immigrants who escaped from the Genocide. He came to the United States
    in the early 1960s, where he began a career in international banking,
    later moving on to purchase and operate several businesses. Though
    semi-retired, he is presently the managing partner of a real estate
    investment company, 3 MB Partnership L.P., as well as a shareholder
    and treasurer of Four Meg Inc. Philanthropically, the couple supports
    many Armenian and charitable causes in the US, Armenia, Javakhk (now
    part of Georgia), Karabagh and Jerusalem through the Papken-Anahid
    Megerian Family Foundation.

    Over the years, they have devoted many resources to the Diocesan Center
    in Javakhk, the Our Lady of Armenia Boghossian Educational Center
    in Gumri, the Armenian Sisters' Academy of Philadelphia, ICAN (the
    International Children's Anophthalmia Network) and the Philadelphia
    Museum of Art. Megerian is also the benefactor of the Diocese of
    Arakatzotz, where the parish's former pastor, Archbishop Mkrtich
    Proshyan is the Primate. The Megerians have committed themselves to
    building a museum in the city of Oshagan, dedicated to Mesrob Mashtots
    and the Armenian alphabet.

    They have also financially supported countless cultural, educational
    and religious programs and organizations, including Birthright
    Armenia, the Guiliguian Educational Association and the Armenian
    Mirror-Spectator, frequently hosting events in their home.

    Megerian is the co-chair of the ADL (Ramgavar) District Committee of
    the Eastern US and Canada, and serves on the Central Committee of
    the Tekeyan Cultural Association of the US and Canada. He is also
    a trustee of the Society of Orphaned Armenia Relief and a longtime
    member of the AGBU and the Knights of Vartan. His involvement in the
    Parish of St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Armenian Church spans 44 years and
    includes positions as chairman and treasurer of the Parish Council
    and his representation as a Diocesan Delegate of the parish for 24
    years. He is currently the treasurer of the Diocesan Council of the
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern).

    In the last 10 years, Megerian has visited Armenia 25 times for
    purposes of business, philanthropy and culture. In recognition of
    his support, Catholicos Karekin I decorated him with the St. Nerses
    Shnorhali Medal and a pontifical encyclical in 1998. In 2009,
    Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II awarded him the St. Gregory
    the Illuminator Medal and encyclical, the highest honor of the
    Armenian Church.

    They have three children, Garo Megerian (and wife, Annette), Aram
    Megerian (and wife, Carla) and Tanya Bardakjian (and husband, Nerces)
    and grandchildren Gregory Megerian, Carine Megerian, Haig Megerian,
    Ariana Megerian, Lily Megerian, Lena Bardakjian, Sona Bardakjian
    and Seta Bardakjian. This year, the two are celebrating their golden
    anniversary. Megerian was one of eight Armenian-Americans who received
    the 2012 Ellis Island Medal of Honor in May.
