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Announcement Of Xenophobia Prevention Initiative

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  • Announcement Of Xenophobia Prevention Initiative


    Due to many years of anti-Armenian propaganda, defamation and
    disinformation coming from the Azeri officials, NGOs and citizens,
    based on references and excerpts from several works, supposedly
    written by Armenian writers Zori Balayan and Dawood Heyryan - "Revival
    of our soul" and "In the Name of the Cross ", "Xenophobia Prevention
    Initiative " NGO, officially announces about its intention to purchase
    these books.

    Taking into consideration the uniqueness of these books, as none,
    except representative of Azeri propaganda ever read them or saw,
    we are ready to pay $15 000 for each of these books.

    The main and additional criteria, that the books should met are
    as follows:

    "Revival of our souls" (alternative titles found in the Azerbaijani
    sources: "Resurrection," "Revive Our Souls," "Resurrection of our
    spirit" etc.) - Author: Zori Balayan - Publisher: "Vanadzor" -
    Year: 1996 - Language: Russian or Armenian (Eastern Armenian dialect,
    which is owned by the author)

    "In the name of the cross" - Author: Dawood Heyriyan (alternative
    titles found in the Azerbaijani sources: Heyriyan Daud, Daud Heyryan,
    Dawood Heyryan) - Publisher: "Beirut 2000â~@³ - Year: 2000 - Language:
    Arabic or Armenian (Western Armenian dialect, common among Lebanese
    Armenians, Russian unknown to them)

    - ISBN (International Standard Book Number, assigned to any edition)
    must be specified - Scanned copy of the book's cover - Scanned copy
    of the page with content summary, publication data, in particular,
    on the unique state registration number, about author, number of
    pages and other unique attributes.

    - Scanned copies of pages 9-17, 27-36, 57-65, 96-112 - Scanned
    copies of title page - Scanned copies of pages with illustrations,
    if available (by the seller's choice) Scanned copies necessarily have
    to be colored, of high resolution (minimum 600 dpi) and without any
    signs of formatting or editing with the help of any photo editor.

    If all the above requirements are met and after testing the
    compliance of the suggested books to the unique data registered of
    the corresponding publication institutions of Armenia and Lebanon,
    our organization is ready to pay the announced amount and purchase
    the books.

    Payment and delivery will be carried out according to the requirements
    and comfort of the bookseller.

    Our contacts can be found at

    29.10.12, 23:12
