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Sahakian: Our goal is to build a state with international standards

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  • Sahakian: Our goal is to build a state with international standards

    Our goal is to build a state in correspondence with international
    standards: President NKR

    11:23, 2 September, 2012

    Congratulatory address of President NKR Bako Sahakyan in connection
    with the Day of the Artsakh Republic.

    "Dear compatriots,

    On behalf of the authorities of the Artsakh Republic and myself I
    cordially congratulate you on this magnificent state holiday - the Day
    of the Artsakh Republic, a historical day which became a turning point
    in the life of the Armenian nation and predetermined the further path
    of our development.
    Democratic principles and universal values were the pivotal landmarks
    on this way. Our goal is to build a state in correspondence with
    international standards, where human rights and freedoms are
    respected, the state which is able to protect its people and create
    the necessary conditions for their development. We must complete the
    sacred mission for which the best sons of the Armenian nation gave
    their lives. Honor and glory to our martyrs!
    On this solemn day I wish that all our national goals and aspirations,
    dreams and projects become true. Undoubtedly, they will, because we
    are full of faith and determination that we have chosen the right
    path, the path to victory, they will because these goals are just and
    Once again I congratulate our whole nation, all the citizens of the
    Artsakh Republic and wish them robust health, peace and prosperity.
    May God guard our families and Motherland!"
