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Lack of organizational coordination of collective defense

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  • Lack of organizational coordination of collective defense

    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    August 31, 2012 Friday


    BYLINE: Vladimir Mukhin
    Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, August 29, 2012, p. 2

    Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) tries to increase its
    activeness in the post-Soviet space. Heads of the general staffs of
    the member states of the organization discussed the main lines for
    development of the military component of the organization in the
    united CSTO staff in Moscow under supervision of its chair Kazakh
    General Saken Zhasuzakov.

    The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) tries to increase
    its activeness in the post-Soviet space. Heads of the general staffs
    of the member states of the organization discussed the main lines for
    development of the military component of the organization in the
    united CSTO staff in Moscow under supervision of its chair Kazakh
    General Saken Zhasuzakov. Participants of the meeting corrected the
    plan of big-scale exercises Interaction-2012 to be started on
    September 3 in Armenia in the working manner. The CSTO troops will
    have military exercises in the South Caucasus for the first time. The
    region is full of contradictions and potential conflicts. So, it was
    not incidental that participants of the meeting discussed "the matters
    of improvement of the system of collective security of the

    It is a special question if CSTO member states will participate in
    resolving of conflicts in the Caucasus and in other regions of the
    CIS. Meanwhile, according to the official version, the military
    commanders who gathered in Moscow analyzed "results of inspection of
    the military formations and units of the CSTO member states intended
    for the collective rapid response forces (CRRF) and peacekeeping
    forces (PF)." According to General Secretary of the CSTO Nikolai
    Bordyuzha, the CRRF and the PF being currently formed within the
    coalition forces of the CSTO should become an important instrument of
    collective security in the post-Soviet space. Along with this, CSTO
    forces did not participate in any real conflicts yet. Despite the
    allied relations CSTO member states have their own foreign political
    courses and their positions and actions sometimes do not correspond to
    the policy pursued by Moscow.

    For example, not a single ally of Russia in the CSTO recognized
    independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Participation of CSTO
    member states in the CRRF and PF is also unequal. Russia allocated two
    airborne formations for the CRRF and Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and
    Tajikistan allocated only one battalion each. The countries
    participate in military exercises not in the proportion of their
    contingents allocated for the coalition groups. For instance, at
    international exercises of the CSTO Border-2012 held at the Chebarkul
    training range in early August Kazakhstan was represented only by
    command officers and observers, whereas it allocated an entire
    formation of airmobile forces for the coalition group. Situation is
    similar at exercises of the CRRF Interaction-2012. Only Russian and
    Armenian servicemen will participate in them and other countries will
    be represented only by staff officers and observers. So far, there is
    no information about political representation of the CSTO member
    states in these exercises.

    It is quite clear that the format of collective defense in various
    regions of the former USSR may be different although Armenia is afraid
    of the biggest military threats to it now. They are connected with a
    possible war with Azerbaijan for Nagorno-Karabakh and with starting of
    a military operation against Iran. The allies can provide moral and
    military support to Armenia. Press secretary of the Defense Ministry
    of Armenia Artsrun Ovannisyan announced that Armenia sent invitations
    to take part in the joint exercises of the CRRF organized in Armenia
    between September 3 and 8 to presidents of all CSTO member states.
    Armenian sources reported that not a single of them reacted to this
    invitation positively yet. Only Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Armenia
    Aiymdos Bozzhigitov said that "President of Kazakhstan Nursultan
    Nazarbayev does not plan to participate in the ceremony of opening of
    the joint exercises of the CRRF of the CSTO expected in Armenia
    between September 3 and 8 yet." Along with this, Kazakhstan is the
    chair of the CSTO now and its leader could be present at the
    exercises. All leaders of the CSTO member states were present at
    similar exercises organized at Matybulak training range in Kazakhstan
    in 2009.

    [translated from Russian]

    From: A. Papazian