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The Anti-Defamation League is a Bully Who Defames the Armenian Peopl

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  • The Anti-Defamation League is a Bully Who Defames the Armenian Peopl

    The Anti-Defamation League is a Bully Who Defames the Armenian People

    - August 31, 2012

    Shahkeh Yaylaian Setian

    We all know that the national Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has long refused
    to forthrightly acknowledge the factuality of the Armenian genocide and has
    actively helped Turkey defeat U.S. Congressional resolutions about it.

    Since 2007 the ADL's immoral, hypocritical position has prompted over a
    dozen Massachusetts cities to toss out
    the ADL's alleged anti-bias program, `No Place for Hate.'

    With these facts in mind, I attended a presentation on `bullying and
    anti-Semitism' by the ADL's New England Regional Director, Derrek L.
    Shulman, at the Jewish Congregation in Falmouth, MA on July 22.

    I asked Mr. Shulman two questions during the question and comment period.

    Question #1: Would you comment on the ADL's lobbying the U.S. Congress each
    year to defeat the Armenian Genocide recognition resolution?

    Shulman's answer: `We are opposed to the resolution as are others such
    members of Congress and the President.'

    Of course, that was no answer at all. Plenty of members of Congress
    support the resolution. In 2007, the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee,
    headed by a Jewish American, voted in favor of the Armenian genocide
    resolution. And several Jewish American organizations support passage of
    the resolution.

    Question #2: Would you comment on Turkey's threat that it cannot guarantee
    the safety of Jews in Turkey if the ADL does not succeed in defeating the
    Armenian genocide resolution?

    Shulman's answer: `I don't know about that.'

    It is well-known that in 2007, when the `No Place for Hate' issue and the
    genocide resolution were being extensively reported by the media, ADL
    National Director Abe Foxman said that one reason he opposed the resolution
    was anxiety about Jews in Turkey. At that time, Turkish Foreign Minister
    Ali Babacan made this threat: `We have told them [the ADL and other Jewish
    groups] that we cannot explain it to the Turkish public if a road accident
    happens. We have told them that we cannot keep the Jewish people out of

    Shulman is a clever speaker who digresses when put on the spot. His
    background may partly explain his evasive answers. Before being hired by
    the ADL, Shulman was a political director of AIPAC, the American Israel
    Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC has admitted that it has lobbied Congress
    on Turkey's behalf to defeat the Armenian resolution.

    As such, Shulman is an appropriate spokesperson for the ADL, which has
    become a political organization posing as a human rights group. It made a
    deal with the devil - genocide-denying Turkey - and is sticking to that

    Shulman said that the ADL was a driving force behind the creation of
    Massachusetts' anti-bullying law for schools and is a leading voice
    nationwide on the issue of bullying.

    It's rather ironic that ADL preaches against bullying while at the same
    time it uses its considerable political weight to bully Congress into
    defeating the Armenian genocide resolution. The ADL is also an agent of a
    bullying country, Turkey, and as such wears the mantle of bully.

    Is `anti-bullying' another way that the ADL is working its way into public
    schools and communities under the guise of being a human rights
    organization? The ADL has no right to insinuate itself into the public
    arena through such an important issue as bullying.

    The ADL was founded with the noble mission of fighting bias against Jews,
    but has morphed into a political entity that, while claiming to uphold
    human rights, commits a human rights abuse by opposing recognition of the
    Armenian genocide.

    All Americans, including those of Armenian descent, must continue to
    counter the ADL's immoral stance on the Armenian genocide and oppose its
    attempts to penetrate communities under the pretext of human rights.

    # # #

    The author holds a Doctorate in Education from the University of
    Massachusetts at Amherst. Her recent book on the Armenian genocide,
    Humanity in the Midst of Inhumanity, is available on
