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It's Time To Understand Meaning of Justice

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  • It's Time To Understand Meaning of Justice

    It's Time To Understand Meaning of Justice

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 09:21:04 - 01/09/2012

    The murder of the Armenian officer has a long story. It is related to
    the tragedy of Sumgait. Then there was no retaliation against the
    murderers. Neither the Armenian state, nor the Armenian society
    inquired what happened to the murderers. Those who took revenge on the
    Russian officers who committed military crimes against the Armenian
    people were not supported by either the Armenian state or the major
    political parties.

    Since then Azerbaijan has ransomed not only criminals but also its
    rivals, including the Lezgi and Avar people who fought for the rights
    of their people and those in prison or in Russia. The high-ranking
    officials of the Russian law-enforcement bodies accepted huge bribes
    for these services.

    In fact, Azerbaijan went with impunity thanks to the position of
    Moscow and false perceptions of justice and good image by the

    This time Azerbaijan again demonstrated its ability to reach its goals
    successfully in the world with the help of money and what
    international law and law in general is worth. Now everyone has
    understood that the scoundrel in Budapest should have got what he

    In addition, due punishment should be given to all those Hungarian
    scoundrels who committed that crime with a European expression of the
    face. Murder is an extreme case but a whole cohort of venal authors
    has emerged which launch information attacks on Armenia and the
    Armenian Diaspora. Since then there are not even intentions to react
    to this adequately. Meanwhile the anti-Armenian policy in the
    information field is the same murder and the answer must be adequate.
    Instead there is only blabbing.

    The Armenians are overwhelmed with a pathetic delirium that the
    government will be changed, and we will resolve all the problems and
    the murderers of Armenians will not be returned to Azerbaijan. So go
    ahead, idiots, wait until the government changes, when the Armenian
    political class will continue to fight for its `civilized image'. No
    doubt, they will talk for a couple of days and get quiet, they are
    cultured and law-abiding people.

    What should be done in this situation? First of all, stop any
    negotiations, including those mediated by the Minsk Group. The
    question is closed, let's see what and who will dare to do anything.
    The worst thing will be a bit stained reputation of the Armenian
    political leaders. But most probably, this reputation will grow.

    It is just a crime to fail to use this opportunity to discontinue the
    talks on Karabakh which will not be forgiven soon, and the Armenians
    will remember about it with regret. Could one negotiate with a beast
    and under the aegis of European prostitutes?

    The second thing to do is to enforce the verdict on that Budapest
    scoundrel, do in him. Colonel Budanov who abused the Chechen girl was
    also judged and pardoned. So what? Guys did not spare their time and
    their lives. They followed him and did in him as a dog. Whose
    reputation suffered?
