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Azerbaijani president will have to pay for lack of reason

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  • Azerbaijani president will have to pay for lack of reason

    Azerbaijani president will have to pay for lack of reason ` former
    Armenian presidential spokesman
    20:20 ˘ 31.08.12

    The extradition of Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan and President Ilham
    Aliyev's granting his a pardon caused a storm in social networks.

    Samvel Farmanyan, former presidential spokesman, expressed his opinion
    on his Facebook page.

    `The Hungarian authorities extraditing Ramil Safarov and, just a few
    hours later, Ilham Aliyev's granting a pardon to the murderer who was
    sentenced to life imprisonment caused indignation of all Armenians¦As
    a nation we are obliged to show coolness and aim at achieving the
    optimal results.

    `As far as I can recall, the world's modern history, even the history
    of the most authoritarian regimes, does not know a case when a state
    leader behaves as a mere killer. Ilham Aliyev, who declared hatred for
    Armenians the cornerstone of the country's foreign policy and has a
    special talent for heroizing murderers, has acted in opposition to not
    only the international community, but also common sense and
    fundamental principles of humanisms underlying the civilization. As a
    rule, this is unpardonable.

    `As a person who worked with Serzh Sargsyan and, by force of
    circumstances, was present at the Serzh Sargsyan-László Sólyom talks,
    can state with confidence that our retaliatory steps will bе based
    cool planning, decentralized, effective, with one of them to be fury.

    `Time and further developments will show if Aliyev's step would prove
    right and what Azerbaijan and its owner would gain or lose. Ilham
    Aliyev's predecessors made similar emotional decisions, with obvious
    consequences for Azerbaijan. And, like his predecessors, Ilham Aliyev,
    not at the expense of his family, but at the expense of his nation
    will have to pay for the lack of elementary reasons needed to rule a
