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BAKU: Hungary MFA and MoJ issue joint statement on Safarov transfer

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  • BAKU: Hungary MFA and MoJ issue joint statement on Safarov transfer

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Sept 1 2012

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Justice of Hungary issued
    a joint statement on the transfer of Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan

    [ 01 Sep 2012 22:28 ]

    Hungarian Foreign Ministry expressed regret about the Armenia's
    decision to suspend diplomatic relations with their country

    Baku. Victoria Dementyeva - APA. "Hungary acted transmission of Ramil
    Safarov in accordance with the rules and in the spirit of openness."
    This was said in a joint statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    and the Ministry of Justice of Hungary, issued on September 1, APA
    reports . The statement noted Hungary acted the transfer in accordance
    with Strasbourg Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons of

    "Hungary respects international law and international partners are
    doing the same thing", the statement said.

    It is noted that Hungary regrets the decision of Armenia to suspend
    the diplomatic relations with their country. "Hungary respects for
    Christian Armenia, the Armenian people, their culture and traditions."

    On August 31 Ramil Safarov, who was given a life sentence by a court
    in Hungary for the murder of an Armenian citizen, was transferred to
    the Azerbaijan and pardoned by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
    In connection with this decision, Armenia announced a suspension of
    diplomatic relations with Hungary.
