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Armenians of Norway will hold protest action in front of Hungarian E

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  • Armenians of Norway will hold protest action in front of Hungarian E

    Armenian Cultural Association of Norway
    Contact: Liana Gyulzadyan
    Tel: +47 93 0537 82
    Email: [email protected]


    Oslo, Norway - Armenians of Norway will gather on Monday, September 3, at
    2pm to hold a protest action in front of the embassy of Hungary in Norway.
    Protestors will demand apology for extradition of Azerbaijani murder Ramil
    Safarov, who was convicted of murder and was serving life sentence in
    Hungary. A protest letter will be handed to the representatives of the
    embassy. In protest letter the gathered demand the Hungarian Ambassador and
    his government to take up bold and resolute steps to recover justice.
    Copies of the letter will be presented to Mr Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of
    Foreign Affairs of Norway, Mr. Janos Herman, Ambassador and Head of
    Delegation of the European Union, Mr. Helge Lund, President and CEO of
    Statoil. The full text of the protest letter is available on Armenian
    Cultural Association of Norway's website at

    On Friday, 31 August 2012, Ramil Safarov, convicted of murder and serving
    life sentence in Hungary, for hacked his Armenian counterpart to death in
    sleep, in Budapest, in 2004, was extradited from Hungary to Azerbaijan. As
    expected, he was immediately pardoned and set free on the highest official
    level - with the decree of the Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev. The
    Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice defended its
    decision by stating that it corresponds to the 1983 Strasbourg Convention
    on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, to which both Azerbaijan and Hungary
    are signatories. As the Ministry states in their website, according to the
    Convention, a person sentenced in the territory of a Party may be
    transferred to the territory of another Party in order to serve the
    sentence imposed on him. However, the sentence was not enforced in
    Azerbaijan; instead Safarov was released in immediate excitement, and was
    accepted as a national hero. Furthermore, he was received with flowers and
    festivities and was promoted into the rank of Major. Sadly, Hungarian
    leadership approved the extradition regardless of being informed of such
    outcomes by not only Armenian government, but also multiple public speeches
    of representatives of Azerbaijani leadership.

    Armenians and non-Armenians who are for international justice and rule of
    law, are outraged on these developments and expect further steps to be
    undertaken on the Hungarian side to condemn this breach of law and restore
    justice. Safarov's extradition is not only a grave violation of justice,
    threat to the renewal of regional conflicts in the Caucasus, but also a
    signal to Azerbaijan to continue encouraging and justifying anti-Armenian
    hatred among its citizens. As fairly pointed out by President Obama,
    Hungarian and Azerbaijani governments' actions are harming the ongoing
    efforts to reduce regional tensions and promote reconciliation.

    This step has not only endangered the peace process mediated between
    Azerbaijan and Armenia by OSCE Minks Group co-chairs, but also threatens
    with further escalation and possible outbreak of armed confrontation in the
    already fragile region.

    Armenia's President Serzh Sargsyan announced Friday that Armenia is
    suspending its diplomatic ties with Hungary.

    Sweden's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Bildt. Shared his concerns
    through a message on twitter, `Strange decision in Azerbaijan to pardon man
    having murdered an Armenian in Hungary. Rule of law must apply.'

    There has not been any reactions from Norwegian government. The Ambassador
    of Armenia to Denmark and Norway, H.E. Hrachya Aghajanyan, through ABC
    Nyheter daily, expressed hopes for reactions from Norwegian society and
    authorities, to such an unacceptable step, which undermines respect for
    law, human rights and human dignity.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress