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Azerbaijan State Run Agency Fabricates Terrorist Threats

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  • Azerbaijan State Run Agency Fabricates Terrorist Threats


    5 September, 2012

    YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 5, ARMENPRESS: Azertac, the state run news agency
    of Azerbaijan is to appear in the epicenter of a new international
    scandal for irresponsible reporting and fabrication of threats to
    kill its own diplomats working abroad. Azerbaijani state news agency
    reported yesterday on an anonymous letter in Turkish received by the
    embassy in Budapest, which threatened to kill the embassy staff.

    Agency attributed the letter to ASALA (Armenian Secret Army for
    Liberation of Armenia) an Armenian militant organization that
    operated from 1975 to early 1990s. Agency and other sources failed
    to verify the letter independently. "Even a very simple content and
    textual analysis of the letter, however, shows, that it could not
    be attributed to an Armenian organization or an individual. First,
    the letter decreases the number of victims of the Armenian Genocide
    form 1.5 million to 600.000, which is the exact figure defended by
    the official Turkish and Azerbaijani historiography. It contradicts
    to the stated intention of ASALA (1975), which is "to compel the
    Turkish Government to acknowledge publicly its responsibility
    for the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915, pay reparations,
    and cede territory for an Armenian homeland", where the number of
    Armenian victims is clearly articulated", an unnamed former ASALA
    member told Armenpress.The letter is written in Turkish, which is
    not typical for ASALA's communication and it reminds more a staff
    list of Azerbaijan's Embassy in Budapest, which could be known by
    the staff of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan. The above mentioned
    facts indicate that the unverified letter is a simple fabrication
    of Azertac, to mislead international media community. President of
    Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev pardoned Ramil Safarov, a life sentenced
    murderer, after his extradition from Budapest to Baku on August 31,
    2012. Hungarian authorities made a decision to extradite an Azerbaijani
    assassin Safarov to Azerbaijan where he was immediately pardoned
    by the president of Azerbaijan Ramil Safarov. As a result of this
    Hungarian-Azerbaijani deal Armenia suspended diplomatic relations
    with Hungary. On February 19 of 2004 in Budapest Azerbaijani officer
    Ramil Safarov slayed with an ax Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan when
    the latter was sleeping. The two officers were taking part in English
    language courses in framework of NATO program in Budapest. Hungarian
    court sentenced Ramil Safarov to life imprisonment, without a right
    to be pardoned during the first 30 years in jail.
