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Kinga Goncz: Hungary's PM Orban Personally Decided About Extraditing

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  • Kinga Goncz: Hungary's PM Orban Personally Decided About Extraditing


    Sept 5 2012

    The exclusive interview of Hungary's former Foreign Minister Kinga
    Goncz to Mediamax

    Kinga Goncz is Hungary's former Foreign Minister (9 June 2006 - 14
    April 2009). She is the daughter of Árpad Goncz, former President
    of Hungary. In 2009 she headed the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP)
    European election list and was subsequently elected as one of 22
    Hungarian Members of the European Parliament.

    - Ms Goncz, what's Your opinion about the decision of Hungary to
    extradite Azerbaijani officer Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan?

    - I consider it a serious mistake. The issue of the possible
    extradition of Ramil Safarov was also raised during my tenure in
    the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We didn't meet this request because
    we didn't want to spark a conflict between the two countries whose
    relationship has been tense for decades beacuse of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The extradition was a wrong decision which might have been made without
    taking into account the possible consequences, not consulting experts
    before the decision. But, if the Hungarian government has been aware
    of the possible consequences, it has acted unethically. Either case
    is seriously problematic.

    - Many analysts affirm that Azerbaijan and Hungary struck a secret
    deal in which Azerbaijan agreed to buy Hungarian government debt
    obligations in exchange for Safarov release. What do You think on this?

    - We don't know what exactly happened. What we know is that Prime
    Minister Orban advertises his policy of "opening to the East",
    meaning turning away from European values and avoiding any kind of
    outside control over his government. He tries to find other sources
    than the IMF to finance the budget deficit and no price seems to be
    too high for it.

    - State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan announced it "is not considering any
    investment into debt obligations or other financial tools in Hungary".

    Does it mean that Azerbaijan tricked Hungary?

    - I can't answer this question. We don't know what exactly happened.

    What we know is that it was the Prime Minister who personally decided
    about extraditing Mr Safarov.

    - What Hungary lost or achieved as a result of Safarov extradition
    to Azerbaijan?

    - Hungary achieved nothing. At the same time it has broken its
    image in the international arena. Whether it was flawed diplomacy
    or unethical behaviour, either case is very harmful for Hungary's
    international reputation.

    - Who are the main responsible of this situation?

    - The Azeri President, the Hungarian government and personally Prime
    Minister Viktor Orban hold responsibility for the tense situation.

    - What's the opinion of Hungarian Socialist Party about Safarov

    - The Hungarian Socialist Party harshly critizised the steps taken by
    the Hungarian goverment while extraditing Mr Safarov. The party asks
    for parliamentary inquiry and calls on the PM to publicly apologize
    to Armenia.

    - Do you find it possible that PM Viktor Orban may resign because of
    the situation?

    - After dismantling the system of democratic checks and balances
    in Hungary, Prime Minister Orban, with suppport of his party's
    parliamentary majority does whatever he wants. His policy sparks
    numerous conflicts internally and externally, and without any political

    - On August 31 Armenian President Serj Sargsian announced that Armenia
    is suspending diplomatic relations and all official ties with Hungary.

    What developments to expect as a result of the halt of diplomatic
    relations between two countries?

    - The EU Eastern Partnership is very important for Hungary's foreign
    policy. Our country's relations with Armenia are traditionally very
    good. Hungarians have always felt deep sympathy and appreciation
    towards the people of Armenia and their history. I do hope that
    this incident cannot and will not darken our relations and future
    cooperation. In these days many people in Hungary expressed their deep
    sympathy, apology and compassion towards your country and your people.

    - What do you think, when and how it is possible the Restoration of
    relations between Armenia and Hungary?

    - I hope our traditionally good relations will be recovering sooner
    than later. I also hope that Armenian people will not confuse our
    autocratic government with other political actors, and the Hungarian

    Narine Daneghyan talked to Kinga Goncz for Mediamax.
