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Spark In The South Caucasus?

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  • Spark In The South Caucasus?

    Hayes Brown

    UN Dispatch
    Sept 5 2012

    Azerbaijan and Armenia could be set for another flare-up after the
    pardon of a convicted murderer. The two Caucasus states have been at
    each others' throats for almost 90 years, but have managed to keep a
    relative, though highly strained, peace for the last two decades. The
    release of Ramil Safarov, an Azeri military officer, may be what sets
    the two down the path to war once more.

    Lt. Safarov was convicted in Hungary following the axe-murder of
    Armenian Lt. Gurgen Makarian during a NATO training course in 2004. In
    exchange for his return, the Azeri government promised to keep Safarov
    imprisoned - instead he found himself released and promoted to Major.

    The news was not received well in Armenia, where protests against
    Hungary broke out. Nor was the reasoning given by Azerbaijan:
    Nagorno-Karabakh. The small region, contained entirely within
    Azerbaijan, is composed of ethnic Armenians, a legacy of Stalin's
    'divide and conquer' tactics in the Soviet Union. Following the
    dissolution of the USSR, Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a full-scale
    war over who would take control of the enclave.

    Since a cease-fire in 1994, the region has been held by Armenian troops
    and local ethnic Armenian fighters. The Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe has had the lead on the diplomatic side
    via their Minsk Group, hosting talks between the two to attempt to
    determine a final status of the Nagorno-Karabahk region. So far no
    settlement has been reached.

    A renewed fighting between the two states would be troubling for
    several reasons. First, the ethnic conflict between the two has shades
    of the 1990s Balkans Wars within them, and once released could be hard
    to contain. The second, Azerbaijan has since the end of the war become
    a supplier of oil and natural gas for Europe and the region. A surge
    in conflict could reduce its flow to Turkey and the European Union,
    raising energy prices. Third, both are of strategic importance,
    considering that they border Iran, something that Israel has taken
    note of.

    Finally, renewed conflict would likely bring Russia onto the scene
    in a big way. The Russian Federation is the regional hegemon and has
    profited off of the tense status quo between the two states. Per a
    report from the International Peace Institute's Global Observatory:

    Russia, while not interested in war in the region, profits by
    maintaining instability in the South Caucasus, playing off the
    interests of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey, and making itself
    look like a more reliable source and transit country for natural
    gas than Azerbaijan (which exports its gas to Europe via Georgia and
    Turkey). Russia appears to be more of an arms broker than an honest
    broker. Despite being one of the chief negotiators in the peace
    process, Russia, according to a recent SIPRI report, supplied 55% of
    Azerbaijan's arms imports and 96% of Armenia's between 2007 and 2011.

    Any break in that balance could provoke Russian intervention, a
    prospect that neither side would likely relish. It is also uncertain
    how the conflict would play out in the UN Security Council. When the
    issue was last raised, the newly minted Russian Federation's foreign
    policy was markedly different than today's and the OSCE was given
    free-reign diplomatically to end the fighting. Also, it is worth
    noting that Azerbaijan current holds a non-permanent seat on the
    Council as well.

    There have been several skirmishes since the cease-fire, but the rise
    of Azerbaijan's fortunes due to it's energy exports may be shifting
    the balance that has kept the two in check. The Caucasus has managed
    to avoid the horrors that the Balkans suffered in the 1990s. Strong,
    timely diplomatic intervention by the OSCE and United Nations is
    needed to prevent that from changing.
