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Prisoner's Release Could Spark War In Caucasus

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  • Prisoner's Release Could Spark War In Caucasus


    Vancouver Sun, BC
    Sept 5 2012

    Europe is buzzing with rumours of a secret deal

    By Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver SunSeptember 5, 2012

    At first it seems a little far-fetched, but Washington, Moscow and
    the European Union are all warning of renewed war in the Caucasus
    following Hungary's decision to send a convicted murderer home to
    Azerbaijan to serve out his sentence.

    The Budapest government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban insists it
    had assurances that Azerbaijani army officer Ramil Safarov, who
    hacked an Armenian officer to death in Hungary in 2004, would serve
    the rest of his 30-year sentence in his home country. But instead,
    Safarov was greeted as a national hero when he arrived by plane in
    the Azerbaijani capital Baku on Friday.

    Not only that, Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev pardoned Safarov
    for the axe murder of Armenian officer Gurgen Margarjan, promoted him
    to major, said he would receive his eight years of back pay and gave
    him an apartment.

    In Armenia the welcome of Safarov is being seen as a purposeful taunt
    by the Aliyev government and perhaps a prelude to the resumption of
    the 1988-1994 war over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Hungary insists the return of Safarov was a simple humanitarian
    gesture. But Europe is alive with rumours that it was part of a deal
    by which Azerbaijan would invest up to the equivalent of $4 billion
    of its oil revenue in a special Hungarian bond issue.

    Hungary has been unable to get money from the international markets
    because of lack of confidence in the government's economic management.

    But both the Hungarian and Azerbaijani governments have described
    the stories of a secret deal as "nonsensical."

    There have been large demonstrations outside the Hungarian diplomatic
    mission in the Armenian capital of Yerevan, with protesters burning
    Hungarian flags and pelting the building with eggs.

    Armenia's President Serzh Sarki-sian has responded to the public
    anger by cutting diplomatic ties with Budapest.

    "We don't want war, but if we have to, we will fight and win," said
    Sarki-sian on Monday. "We are not afraid of killers, even if they
    enjoy the protection of the head of state."

    And on Tuesday, a bill was tabled in the Armenian parliament that
    would recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent country.

    Nagorno-Karabakh, a landlocked mountainous enclave of about 140,000
    people in Azerbaijan, but controlled by Armenia, is at the heart of
    this whole story and the threats of renewed war.

    Indeed, in his chilling 2004 confession to Hungarian police, Safarov,
    an Azeri native of Nagorno-Karabakh, said he killed Margarjan and
    planned to kill another Armenian soldier in revenge for the alleged
    massacre of women and children, including many of his relatives,
    by Armenian forces in 1992.

    Safarov was in Budapest on a North Atlantic Treaty
    Organization-arranged English language course for European and allied

    He said he was driven to buy an axe and plan the killing after
    Margarjan and the other Armenian taunted him about the 1992 atrocities.

    Safarov said he went to Margarjan's room in the military dormitory
    at 5 a.m. one day in February 2004, and decapitated him with the axe.

    Safarov said he was stopped by other soldiers from killing the second
    Armenian before he could find the man's room.

    In his confession, Safarov said he joined the Azerbaijani army at
    age 14 with the express purpose of killing Armenians in revenge for
    the 1992 slaughter of his relatives.

    But he had not had the chance to kill any Armenians on the battlefield,
    so he seized the opportunity presented by the Budapest language course.

    This passion for revenge and the almost daily skirmishes between
    Armenian and Azerbaijani forces despite a 1994 ceasefire and continuing
    peace talks vividly displays why Moscow, Washington and the EU have
    been quick to warn of renewed war.

    The prospects of a collapse of the ceasefire and peace talks are
    present every day. Troops on both sides are killed in regular
    skirmishes that always have the potential to escalate into general

    The seeds of the modern tension were sowed at the end of the First
    World War when Azerbaijan and Armenia emerged from the collapsed
    Ottoman Empire only to be swallowed up by the Soviet Union.

    In what appears to have been a divide-and-rule policy, Moscow approved
    the incorporation of Nagorno-Karabakh into Azerbaijan even though
    its population was 94 per cent Armenian.

    By the time of the pending collapse of the Soviet Union in 1988, the
    pro-portion of Armenians in the disputed enclave had been significantly
    reduced by the officially promoted immigration of Azerbaijanis.

    Early in 1988, there were skirmishes and killings amid often wild
    and inaccurate stories of the rape of women and other atrocities by
    both sides.

    The situation became increasingly chaotic in the following months and
    years. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev made ineffective attempts to
    control the situation and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 put
    massive sup-plies of heavy and light weapons as well as helicopters and
    warplanes into the hands of both Armenian and Azerbaijani loyalists.

    About 30,000 people, including untold numbers of civilians, are
    thought to have died in this particularly brutal war, which ended in
    1994 with a porous ceasefire, left Armenia in effective control of
    Nagorno-Karabakh and nothing resolved.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress