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Budapest: A Sinking Ship? Is It Time For Orban's Hungary To Turn Wes

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  • Budapest: A Sinking Ship? Is It Time For Orban's Hungary To Turn Wes


    Hungarian Spectrum
    Sept 5 2012

    Just as I feared, we will have to return to Azerbaijan, not so much
    as a diplomatic issue but as a part of the financial plans that may
    have been behind the decision to release a convicted murderer to Baku.

    Because surely no one will believe the story the Hungarian Foreign
    Ministry came up with yesterday, that Hungary was conned by the
    Azeris. The current claim is that the Hungarians believed in the
    honesty of the Azeri president and his ministry of justice. And look
    what happened. Surely, a very unlikely story.

    The talk about negotiations with the Azeri government over the purchase
    of 2-3 billion euros' worth of Hungarian government bonds turned out
    to be true. After all, the Turkish bank that was supposed to issue
    the bonds confirmed it. However, on September 3, the State Oil Fund
    of the Republic of Azerbaijan issued this statement: "Regarding the
    news about the purchase of Hungarian debt obligations, the State Oil
    Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan publicly reveals that SOFAZ is not
    considering any investment into debt obligations or other financial
    tools in Hungary." Since then we learned that SOFAZ, even if it had
    wanted to, couldn't have bought junk bonds in such quantities.

    Because, let's not forget, about two years ago Hungarian government
    bonds were downgraded to junk status. According to,
    SOFAZ's official investment strategy specifies that only 5% of the
    fund can be invested in highly speculative assets.

    I'm sure that we will never know what was promised. Something had to
    be, because I can't believe that Viktor Orban would be so naive as
    to let loose a much coveted "national hero" simply as a favor. Just
    yesterday I heard an interview with Orban's old roommate and political
    ally Gabor Fodor, who knows him well. According to Fodor, to Orban
    the notion of making a gesture is a totally unfamiliar concept. He
    doesn't even make a secret of the fact. In fact, he boasts about it.

    So, I am still going on the assumption that Orban one way or the other
    was expecting big bucks from Azerbaijan, the prospect of which now
    appears to be fading by the hour. Thus it seems that Viktor Orban is
    ready to change course yet again. Most likely because he cannot do
    anything else.

    The last time I wrote about the stalled IMF/EU negotiations the
    prospects for an early agreement seemed grim. The IMF spokesman
    announced at the very end of August that there was no date fixed for
    the renewal of the talks that had been interrupted at the end of July.

    The sticking point was apparently the transaction tax on the Hungarian
    National Bank, on which Viktor Orban was insisting. Analysts excluded
    the possibility of an agreement in the fall and predicted a possible
    conclusion of the talks sometime next year. was even more
    pessimistic. The economic journalists working for this financial paper
    were certain that the aid talks will not continue at all. Details of
    the state of the negotiations a week ago can be found in my August
    31 post.

    So, great was my surprise when I read in the September 3 issue of
    Magyar Nemzet that the office of Mihaly Varga had informed them that
    negotiations will continue in September. This morning Viktor Orban
    himself talked about the resumption of negotiations and expressed
    his firm belief that a favorable conclusion to the negotiations is
    just around the corner. It will occur sometime during the fall. He
    added that, although there are still outstanding issues that must
    be ironed out, the negotiations are proceeding well. "The ball is
    now in Hungary's court," he added. As for the transaction tax on the
    Hungarian National Bank, Orban indicated that "there is intention on
    both sides to find a middle ground." A few minutes later Mihaly Varga,
    the chief Hungarian negotiator, decided to chime in and emphasized
    that Hungary cannot afford not to have an agreement. Actually, he
    used the expression "nem úszhato meg az IMF-hitel."

    Why this sudden eagerness to talk with the IMF? One reason might be
    the possibly empty promises of the Azeri government. However, there is
    another piece of news that most likely reached the Hungarian government
    sometime in the last twenty-four hours. reported from
    Brussels today that the paper had received news from reliable sources
    that the European Commission may launch an infringement procedure
    against Hungary on September 27 over the financial transaction tax
    Hungary plans to introduce in 2013. European Union sources confirmed
    that, in addition to the European Central Bank, the European Commission
    also has very strong doubts that this planned transaction tax is in
    line with EU regulations. As soon as this news hit, the Hungarian
    forint began to fall. At 2:30 p.m. the euro/forint cross was trading
    at 284, an hour later at 286.

    It is quite possible that Viktor Orban is becoming desperate. He tried
    to get money from China, Saudi Arabia, and Azerbaijan and came up
    empty-handed. He also tried to get out of the obligations that bind
    Hungary to the European Union. It doesn't matter how often he tells
    his followers that Hungary's economic war of independence against
    the European Union has been successful, the fact is that without
    EU assistance Hungary would immediately collapse. Almost everything
    that's being built in Hungary is being done with European funds. If
    these funds were to disappear, Hungary would end up high and dry.

    The potential loss of revenue from the transaction tax is a problem
    by itself. Without Orban's cherished transaction tax on the Hungarian
    National Bank there will be an even larger hole in the 2013 budget.

    As it is, the budget is more than shaky because it is based on overly
    optimistic economic growth numbers. Orban got rid of the Budgetary
    Council that was supposed to be the watchdog over the government's
    handling of the budget because he feared that they would look too
    hard at the government's figures. So instead of an office with a
    staff of forty he appointed three men to oversee the budget. Surely,
    he thought that these men would not disturb much water. Well, he
    was wrong. Árpad Kovacs, the head of the new Budgetary Council,
    is demanding reliable data from the Ministry of National Economy;
    he refuses to accept the figures offered by the ministry. Right now
    the ministry and the budgetary council are at loggerheads.

    According to analysts, as it now stands the proposed budget is short by
    about 500-600 billion forints. Without changing course it is unlikely
    that the country can survive economically. It seems that Orban might
    have to give up some of his "unorthodox" policies. For example, the
    flat tax. Moreover, he seems ready to turn his ship from its eastward
    course back toward the old, decrepit, tired Europe that is incapable
    of handling its own problems but ponies up a lot of money for Hungary.

    Of course, there are still people who are skeptical about Orban's real
    intentions. Peter Oszko, finance minister in the Bajnai government,
    is one of these. In an interview this morning he expressed his belief
    that because of the forint's fall this afternoon Orban and Varga came
    out with these optimistic stories about the negotiations in order to
    calm the nerves of the markets. Nothing will come of the negotiations.

    I'm a little less skeptical. Mostly because I heard this afternoon
    that Viktor Orban will be paying an official visit to Berlin in
    October where he is going to meet Chancellor Angela Merkel. They
    will be talking about bilateral diplomatic relations and the further
    strengthening of economic ties. These forthcoming negotiations were
    prepared by Peter Szijjarto in Berlin where he met Christoph Heusgen,
    foreign adviser to Merkel and a member of the staff of the chancellery;
    Cornelia Pieper of the foreign ministry; and Peter Hintze of the
    economic ministry. Szijjarto told his negotiating partners that
    Hungary agrees with Germany on the necessity of a strong Europe and
    Hungary will support all German efforts in this direction. According
    to Szijjarto, there was agreement that "after the crisis is over the
    European Union's economic engine will be cooperation between Germany
    and Central Europe."

    So, is Orban getting desperate or is this just another one of his
    typical games? We will see.
