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EuFoA Welcomes The Condemnation Of Azerbaijan's Anti-Armenian Xenoph

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  • EuFoA Welcomes The Condemnation Of Azerbaijan's Anti-Armenian Xenoph

    06.09.2012 14:30

    The European Friends of Armenia strongly welcomes the unprecedented
    condemnations of Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian xenophobia by all European
    institutions and the international community. "We are appalled that
    the open provocation and physical threat by Azerbaijan's President
    Ilham Aliyev against Armenia and Armenians around the world has put
    the Karabakh conflict to the next level of escalation. This may be
    in the short term internal political interest of the President, who
    is facing "elections" in 2013. However, given his autocratic and so
    far unchallenged power base, the risk for him and his country and
    the damage caused stand in no relation to the short-lived political
    gain achieved through anti-Armenian nationalism and xenophobia,"
    the European Friends of Armenia said in a statement.

    In the light of these events and following the repressions which became
    apparent during the Eurovision contest in Baku, EuFoA demands that the
    EU finally accepts that it must treat Azerbaijan more critically than
    Belarus, which is known to have the same internally repressive regime
    style, but without Azerbaijan's militarization or the state-promoted

    We were informed and strongly welcome that the EU's Foreign Ministers
    will debate the issue at their upcoming GYMNICH meeting and that the
    European Parliament will debate an urgency resolution next week.

    "Why we implement EU funded programmes with the oil-rich and
    notoriously anti-democratic government of Azerbaijan and conclude
    large-scale energy deals with them, while we apply sanctions against
    Belraus cannot be explained to European voters" comments EuFoA
    Secretary General Dr Michael Kambeck. "Towards Armenia we can only
    direct the warning not to step into the provocation trap which Aliyev
    has set up. I share the emotions for calls to now take harsh steps
    against Azerbaijan, but Armenia should be like a clever chess-player
    and keep an eye on the long-term interests."

    EuFoA also calls for steps to mend the relations with Hungary in time.

    "While the extradition decision was at least very naive, Hungary and
    Armenia share hundreds of years of historic ties and are both old
    Christian countries. Azerbaijan's dirty game should not be allowed to
    destroy such links. Hungary is a bridge between Eastern and Western
    Europe and will need Armenia to enlarge this function. Armenia will
    need Hungary for the upcoming EU visa-facilitation decision and
    later for the Association Agreement. We welcome that the Hungarian
    government has quickly issued the strongest condemnation and that the
    Armenian President has called for a stop to burn Hungarian flags. Now
    some work needs to be done behind the scenes to overcome the problem."
