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European Values Aren't Doormat

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  • European Values Aren't Doormat


    Story from News:
    Published: 11:28:07 - 06/09/2012

    Member of Parliament Naira Zohrabyan, Chairperson of the NA Standing
    Committee of European Integration, member of the Armenian delegations
    to PACE and Euronest, addressed a letter to the president of the
    European Parliament Martin Schulz, PACE Chairman Jean-Claude Mignon
    and Euronest PA co-chair Kristian Vigenin.

    In her letter, Mrs. Zohrabyan states that the whole civilized world
    and the European community are shocked by the outrageous deal between
    Hungary and Azerbaijan when NATO and EU member Hungary betrayed
    European values and justice for specific interests. Many international
    structures have recently reacted to this event but the reactions were
    not always adequate to the monstrous deal. There were even statements
    calling both sides, totalitarian Azerbaijan and Armenia equally,
    to exercise restraint, which is perplexing and unacceptable. As
    a member of the Armenian delegation to the PACE and Euronest, I
    would like to draw your attention to the outrageous fact of greeting
    ceremony for Safarov at the airport attended by the members of the
    Azerbaijani delegations to PACE and Euronest. This action organized by
    Azerbaijan is a message to Europe making it clear that the opinion of
    the European structures where Azerbaijan is represented means nothing,
    writes Mrs. Zohrabyan.

    She agrees with CoE Secretary General Jagland's assessment who said
    that "this is not the Europe we want for our generations". Zohrabyan
    stressed that the European values are not a doormat for anyone to
    clear their feet on. None of the European family members will be
    guaranteed from becoming the target of such an outrageous deal unless
    we undertake steps and make adequate evaluations,

    Naira Zohrabyan extends hope that this issue will be publicly discussed
    in the PACE, the European Parliament and Euronest.
