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Partners In Crime

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  • Partners In Crime


    Opinion | September 6, 2012 9:37 am

    By Edmond Y. Azadian

    Armenians are rightfully outraged over the extradition of the Azeri
    criminal, Ramil Safarov, to Baku, where authorities accorded a hero's
    welcome to that convicted murderer.

    Yes, Armenians all over the world are outraged, but not necessarily
    the rest of the civilized world, and that is cause for more outrage
    than the mockery that the governments of Azerbaijan and Hungary made
    of international law.

    Outrage and anger will not solve this serious problem; a sober analysis
    of what happened and what we can learn from this international scandal
    may prove to be more constructive.

    This blatantly illegal act is concurrently reverberating in three
    major directions: a) domestic political impact in Hungary, b) domestic
    political impact in Armenia and c) international ramifications.

    Hungary has been a friendly nation to Armenia since historic times.

    Armenians settled in Hungary after the Seljuks overran the medieval
    Armenian capital city of Ani in the 11th century. The tide of
    immigration led Armenians to Crimea and then on to Transylvania,
    which has been part of Hungary since 1526. However, with the Treaty
    of Trianon in 1921, the region changed hands and Transylvania was
    transferred to Romania. Many Armenians moved to Budapest and those
    remaining in Transylvania continued to use Hungarian as their mother
    tongue. Armenians were well integrated in the fabric of Hungarian
    society, while preserving their ethnic identity. At times they were
    granted local autonomy, and they produced many revolutionary heroes
    and prominent statesmen and artists. Today, the local Armenians
    count between 12,000-15,000, with an additional 2,000-3,000 recent
    immigrants from Armenia and the Middle East.

    Unlike other European nations, Hungary presently has recognized
    and supports the Armenian minority's self-government in the Budapest
    coalition, one of 13 different ethnic groups that elect their president
    and representative in the Hungarian parliament.

    After joining the European Union, Hungary experienced a serious
    economic crisis which caused the collapse of the Socialist government,
    paving the way for the current Young Democrats, an extreme rightist
    party, which won a landslide election and now controls more than
    two-thirds of the parliament. The party, therefore, can pass any
    laws without seeking the support of a coalition partner. It is this
    government, headed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, which has negotiated
    the deal with the Azerbaijani government to enact the extradition of
    Ramil Safarov upon the assurances of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan
    that the convicted criminal will serve the balance of his sentence
    in Azerbaijan.

    Since the Hungarian government has fallen on hard times, it has
    opted to undertake the shameful act of transferring the criminal to his
    native country, hoping that the Turkish government will broker a deal
    between the two parties, whereby the Baku government will buy Hungary's
    government bonds to the tune of 3 billion euros. (One can call it
    blood money.) This, after Hungary had failed to receive guarantees
    from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to internationally market
    its bonds at a lower interest rate.

    It is believed that Azerbaijan has not yet met its part of the deal
    and even if it does at this late hour, it will serve as a political
    bomb and blast the legitimacy of Orban's government. The opposition
    has taken up the Safarov case as a cause celèbre. The president of the
    Hungarian Catholic Bishops' conference, Cardinal Peter Erdo, has issued
    a statement expressing "solidarity with the Armenian Christians." There
    is a groundswell of popular support for the Armenian side in Hungary
    and it looks like this rash decision by the government will boomerang
    and hit the government where it hurts.

    Recently, Hungary's president, Pal Schmitt, resigned after having
    been caught plagiarizing one of his doctoral theses. Growing anger
    caused him to resign, thus showing a precedent in converting moral
    outrage into political action in Hungary.

    The Safarov extradition had a different impact on the Armenian
    domestic political scene. As President Serge Sargisian's administration
    was fully engaged in the forthcoming presidential election, it did
    not need to deal with yet another political hot potato. That is why
    he has taken a resolute stand in order not to lose the momentum in
    the domestic political game. Upon learning about the extradition,
    he convened the National Security Council for an emergency meeting
    and announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Hungary. This
    must grant him some brownie points domestically, as Armenians are
    prone to sacrificing political rea ism for macho stances.

    Former Prime Minister Hrant Bagratian, head of the opposition in
    the parliament, labeled that decision as a "wrong step."

    However, it seems that the crisis may turn into a blessing in
    disguise, as most of the Armenians are outraged enough to support
    any tough action.

    Many ideas and recommendations emerged as a consequence of the
    scandal, most popular among them being the recognition of Artsakh as
    an independent nation by Armenia, although this involves a serious
    political risk as Azeris may use that to rekindle the hostilities.

    Last time around the Armenians won the Artsakh War through the
    acquiescence, if not the outright support of Moscow. Armenia cannot
    afford that risk without Russia's consent, but rumors are out that the
    Azeri tycoon Ilham Rahimov had kept his former classmate Vladimir Putin
    abreast of secret negotiations and perhaps that has been the reason
    for the low-key response of the Russian government to the crisis.

    Armenia's second president, Robert Kocharian, has come up with another
    interesting idea, which makes sense if the Budapest government is
    in the mood to appease Armenia. He has proposed to ask Hungary to
    recognize Artsakh, to make amends to the Armenian side.

    But above all, one political point can be promoted internationally
    that Armenians in Artsakh can never be ruled by Azerbaijan, given the
    racist nature of that government which promises the "highest level
    of autonomy to Armenians under Azeri rule."

      As the barbaric nature of that rule has become amply visible to the
    international community, the theory of territorial integrity sounds
    hollow to any sane political observer.

      Of course, the opposition in Armenia did not miss the opportunity to
    use the scandal to criticize the administration, blaming it by asking:
    were you asleep when secret negotiations were going on?

    Armenia's Foreign Ministry issued a clarification that as late as
    week before Safarov's release, the Hungarian government had assured
    the Armenian side that no such deal was in the making.

    The upshot is that the Azeri government duped the Hungarian government,
    which in turn had duped the Armenian government. Having witnessed the
    mass hysteria in Azerbaijan upon Safarov's conviction, the Hungarian
    government was fully aware of the consequences of its action. But it
    went head with its decision, using the Azeri assurances as a legal
    fig leaf to announce to the Armenian side that Hungary "acted within
    the norms of the   international law." The third dimension of the
    crisis is the international reaction to   Hungary's action. If there
    is anything more outrageous than Hungary's shameful act, it is the
    benign reaction of the international community that makes Armenians
    painfully aware that Armenia is isolated and does not have friends,
    meaning political allies who have a stake in Armenia.

    Whether the present government or any other party in power could do
    better than what Armenia is doing now is up for debate. It boils down
    to the relative clout of Armenia versus Azerbaijan, in the world
    political scene and the cliche that Azeri oil is worth more than
    Armenian blood Azerbaijan understands as well as Hungary does. They
    have acted in full awareness of Armenia's limited options to react.

    What does Hungary lose when Armenia severs its diplomatic relations?

    Not much. Whereas Baku's actions - or reactions - may have much
    higher consequences.

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation's Minsk Group, which
    has been engaged in an idle shuttle diplomacy regarding Karabagh
    for the last two decades, has come up with a mild statement that
    the Budapest-Baku extradition game may impact negtively the ongoing
    negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. There is no condemnation,
    not even a slight criticism of the monstrous legal scandal.

    The European Union has kept the parity between the criminal and the
    victim, as usual, preaching calm not to escalate the tension. Some
    parliamentarians have called upon Margeret Ashton to learn some
    civilized conduct, before dispensing that advice to Armenia.

    Russia, Armenia's strategic ally, has issued a statement through a
    low-ranking representative of the Foreign Ministry, while Foreign
    Minister Sergei Lavrov has yet to utter a word on the subject. A
    spokesperson of Foreign Ministry, Alexander Lugashevich, made
    the following statement: "We believe that the actions undertaken
    by the Azerbaijani and Hungarian authorities contradict the
    internationally-agreed efforts and in the first place the actions of
    OSCE group to reduce the tensions in the region." No qualifications
    nor any reprimands were issued to the two governments involved. The
    president of the Russian-Armenian Congress Ara Abrahamian released
    a statement demanding an unequivocal condemnation from President
    Vladimir Putin himself.

      Thus far the outrage has been directed towards Budapest and Baku, the
    main actors in the extradition deal. But NATO Command and the United
    States government, as the leader of NATO, bear a heavy responsibility.

      Armenians certainly appreciated the strongly-worded condemnations
    released by Rep. Frank Pallone, Brad Sherman and Adam Schiff. But
    those are no substitute for the administration's responsibility.

      The National Security Council has issued a statement expressing
    President Barack Obama's "deep concerns" about the extradition, which
    the president finds "contrary to the ongoing efforts to reduce regional
    tensions and promote reconciliation." The State Department has come up
    with more specific wording, finding the action "extremely troubling."

      But all these statements place the US in the role of a third party,
    whereas the US administration and NATO are the parties bearing primary
    responsibility by failing to guarantee the security of Lt.

    Gurgen Markarian, who was enrolled in a NATO Partnerships for Peace
    Program at the time of his assassination. As if that failure were not  
    enough, the US administration and NATO officials were certainly aware
    of the ongoing secret negotiations over the faith of their "guests"
    and they could certainly nip the deal in its bud. Standing aloof and
    expecting clarification for other parties sounds more hypocritical
    than genuine concern over the fate of military personnel being trained
    under their jurisdiction.

      Through this scandalous deal, Azerbaijan was able to prove that
    Armenia is isolated politically and should Baku decide to unleash a
    war, Armenia is on its own.

      Armenia may certainly reap some political dividends from the
    Hungarian-Azeri scandal if it can package the case adequately and
    market it in the international political arena.

      If the US did not find it important to stop the deal, the Armenian
    government certainly could not do any better.

      But Armenians must take the blame for abandoning their homeland,
    leaving the responsibility of defending the borders to the remaining
    few and then beating their breasts as patriots from a distance,
    from Moscow, Europe or Glendale, and occasionally, criticizing
    the government to cover their guilty feelings. Yes, Azerbaijan and
    Hungary are partners in crime and they can only be stopped at the
    border of Artsakh.  
