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The Economist: Armenia, Azerbaijan And Hungary: The Axeman Goeth

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  • The Economist: Armenia, Azerbaijan And Hungary: The Axeman Goeth


    The Economist
    Sept 6 2012

    Hungary frees an Azeri axe-murderer. Armenia is furious

    Sep 8th 2012 | BUDAPEST | from the print edition
    THE return home to Azerbaijan of Ramil Safarov, who killed a sleeping
    Armenian fellow-student with an axe in Budapest in 2004, has prompted
    the region's biggest diplomatic storm for a decade. Claiming to
    be enraged by Azeri suffering in the war with Armenia a decade
    earlier, Mr Safarov murdered Gurgen Margarjan while both men were at
    a NATO English-language course for military officers from non-member
    countries. He received a life sentence, which would normally mean 25
    years behind bars.

    But on August 31st Hungary sent Mr Safarov home, on the understanding,
    it claims, that he would serve the rest of his sentence in prison
    there. On arrival in Baku, he was hailed as a national hero: pardoned,
    given his back pay and promoted.

    Armenians are furious. The government has cut diplomatic relations
    with Hungary. It claims officials in Budapest had repeatedly brushed
    off concerns about Mr Safarov's possible release. Angry protesters in
    Yerevan, the Armenian capital, burned the Hungarian flag and pelted
    the consulate with tomatoes. (Other missiles in the region are more
    lethal: skirmishes between Azeri and Armenian forces on the ceasefire
    line have cost more than 60 lives in the past two years.)

    President Serzh Sargsyan said Armenia was ready to fight if need be:
    "We are not afraid of killers, even if they enjoy the protection of
    the head of state." One possible retaliatory move would be for Armenia
    to recognise the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian-run
    autonomous territory also claimed by Azerbaijan. That would certainly
    doom an already moribund peace process.

    America said it was "extremely troubled" and would be seeking
    explanations from Budapest and Baku. Russia, which is Armenia's
    military ally and protector, spoke of its "deep concern".

    Hungarian media and opposition scent a dirty deal behind the scenes.

    They say Azerbaijan had promised to buy ~@3 billion ($3.8 billion)
    of bonds from the cash-strapped Hungarian government in exchange for
    Mr Safarov's release. Officials on all sides deny this. But Hungary's
    protests at the Azeri action were notably late and limp. The prime
    minister, Viktor Orban, did visit Azerbaijan in June. An opposition
    leader and former prime minister, Ferenc Gyurcsany, says while in
    office he rejected a deal offered by the Azeris. He accused the
    government of "selling the country's honour for 30 pieces of silver".

    Oil-rich Azerbaijan, with three times Armenia's population and a much
    stronger army, seems ready to ride out the storm. Some Azeris also
    cry double standards: members of Armenian terrorist organisations who
    committed crimes in the Soviet era are treated as national heroes in
    Armenia now, they say.

    The incident casts light on Hungary's cack-handed leadership. The
    foreign ministry is known for its shrewd diplomats; during the Libyan
    conflict last year the Hungarian embassy in Tripoli was one of a
    handful to stay open and was representing some 50 states by the end.

    But it seems that the Safarov affair was masterminded by Mr Orban
    and Peter Szijjarto, the minister for external economic relations.

    Hungary's woeful dealings with the IMF are their responsibility, too.

    The case highlights the EU's struggle to stay credible both with
    wayward members such as Hungary, and with its eastern neighbours. It
    has just pledged [email protected] to reform Azeri justice and migration. That
    counts as small change by the standards of some other deals.

    From: A. Papazian